Laser Hair Removal - Clinics Can Help Remove Unwanted Hair

Nov 9


Palyn Peterson

Palyn Peterson

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After years of struggling with unwanted hair, you've decided to try laser hair removal. Colorado Springs is the perfect location in which to make your...

After years of struggling with unwanted hair,Laser Hair Removal - Clinics Can Help Remove Unwanted Hair Articles you've decided to try laser hair removal. Colorado Springs is the perfect location in which to make your dream of smoother, more attractive skin a reality. Laser removal has worked wonders for people who had exhausted other possibilities, including shaving, waxing, tweezing, and using chemical products, but it can seem intimidating. What will it feel like to have a laser move over your body? Is it going to hurt? Is it dangerous? And, most important, is it going to work?

Knowledge is the best way to alleviate any fears you have about any kind of procedure; it's really the unknown that we fear, and for many of us, lasers sound like pretty intense pieces of equipment. They are! It's a great idea to do some research before you choose a hair removal clinic and decide on laser treatments. The first thing you need to know about laser hair removal is that it can be tremendously effective. Only a few years ago, you would have not been a good candidate for treatment if you had darker skin or lighter hair. Today's lasers are much more advanced, and so the procedure is open to those with any skin color.

The Mayo Clinic estimates that hair can be permanently reduced by 40 to 80 percent. It will make an incredibly noticeable difference in your appearance and in your level of confidence. Laser hair removal is one of the most effective methods for permanent hair reduction (electrolysis is another, but it is very painful, time-consuming, and expensive).

The next question on people's minds is if laser treatments are going to hurt. If you've ever had a bikini wax, it should be no problem! Many patients liken the sensation to that of a rubber band snapping against the skin lightly. Typically, patients get used to the tingling feeling after the first or second session. The discomfort is certainly not prohibitive, and you can use numbing creams on smaller areas, like your upper lip, to reduce it every further.

Hair removal lasers are approved by the FDA and have proven through intense scrutiny to be very safe. The laser has no adverse ramifications for your body - except your hair follicles. Temporary discomfort and pain are the most common side-effect. Make sure to ask your hair removal technician about potential risks so you make an informed decision that is right for you.

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