Less Known Reasons for Zits on Chin and Face

Jan 9


Jenny Pinto

Jenny Pinto

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Zits or pimples are common culprits that are usually the result of a skin ailment known as acne vulgaris. But they plague so many women that we decide...

Zits or pimples are common culprits that are usually the result of a skin ailment known as acne vulgaris. But they plague so many women that we decided to get right down to the basics of what causes them. Let us fight these pimples by ensuring we never get them in the first place. No more zit nightmares,Less Known Reasons for Zits on Chin and Face Articles no more trying everything to be zit free before prom night and absolutely no more tears over them; ladies, it is time we fought back!Well Known Causes•    Hormonal Imbalances: Hormonal changes during puberty, pregnancy menstrual period or menopause can cause zits. They even by caused by the effects of hormonal oral contraceptive pills.•    Use of Certain Medications: Steroids, testosterone-containing medicines and certain other drugs can cause acne.•    Excessive Sweating: Perspiration can cause the skin pores to get clogged, thus resulting in zits. Even touching the face too often can result in bacterial deposits on the face, which eventually causes acne.•    Certain foods: Foods that are too oily or foods like chocolates, dairy products and sugar can cause these bouts, though this has not been proven.•    Cosmetics & Beauty Products: Foundations and make up if not removed properly may clog the skin’s pores and result in zit bouts even if the products used are of good quality. Even the sunscreen you use can irritate your skin and cause acne.•    Stress: Stress can contribute to excess sebum production in the skin, another reason for clogged pores and zits.Lesser-Known Causes•    Air Travel: Excessive traveling in planes can cause zits. This is due to the low humidity in the cabins, which causes excessive skin dehydration that the skin naturally tries to compensate with oil secretion. This may cause your eruptions.•    Cell Phone: Your mobile phone is actually a resting ground for all kinds of bacteria, even though you’d hate to admit it. Unless you take an alcohol based wipe to it every day, you are bound to get breakouts considering just how many times to put the phone to your ear!•    Weather: Constantly changing weather that goes from hot to cold and vice versa on a day-to-day basis can cause skin chemical imbalances that may result in these bouts.•    Bacteria: Bacteria are present everywhere but they are more problematic in places or equipment that is commonly shared by people. You’re balk in horror, if you only knew how contaminated gym equipment such as yoga mats are!•    Chin straps: Helmets that have chinstraps cause irritation to the skin due to constant rubbing. This can also cause them.If zits are making you stay at home, just so no one sees you with these unsightly marks marring your beauty, you need to look at acne treatments such as Azelex cream. Talk to your dermatologist or doctor if you have uncontrollable bouts of acne and start treatment as recommended. The results will be surprisingly pleasurable. Find a discount pharmacy that lets you make big savings when you order Azelex from it. There are several good ones online.
