Let's Inspire People To Get Fit And Lose Weight

Oct 15


Dr. Martha Castro, MD

Dr. Martha Castro, MD

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Living a strong and healthy life can be achieve by anyone who really cares about his/her well being.

It is so important to try our best to eat healthy,Let's Inspire People To Get Fit And Lose Weight Articles to exercise and to feel good about ourselves as human beings if we want to spend our lives with minimum stress and maximum achievement of happiness and wellness. By doing so we will also accomplish a longer and better quality of life, and not only for us, but we will also set up an example for others, our friends, relatives, clients, patients (that would be my case since I'm a Medical Doctor) and acquaintances. An example of health, courage, power, positive thinking and actions that might just inspire somebody so much that could change his or her life for the better.These are some guidelines to start with. As most of you might know, my sport of preference is long distance cycling, but there are dozens of other sport activities that can also make you lose weight and keep you looking youthful and well fit. Try to choose one sport that you really really enjoy performing, some outdoor activity that makes you feel excited just thinking about it.What Works Best for You?Here are some examples of what types of exercise work for different people, according to the new government guidelines.* Moderate activities for adults include a brisk walk, water aerobics, ballroom dancing and general gardening.* Vigorous activity for adults include race walking, jogging or running, swimming laps, jumping rope and hiking uphill or with a heavy backpack.* In addition to aerobic exercise, build muscle with weight trainning push-ups, sit-ups, carrying heavy loads or heavy gardening, at least two days a week.* Moderate exercise for kids and teens include hiking, skateboarding, bicycle riding and brisk walking.* Vigorous activities for kids and teens include jumping rope, running and sports such as soccer, basketball, and ice or field hockey.* Kids and teens should also do muscle-strengthening exercises, such as rope climbing, sit-ups, and tug-of war, three days a week and bone-strengthening exercise, such as jumping rope, running and skipping, at least three days a week.

For more information

Visit the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services .