Liposuction-Making Dramatic Improvements in Appearance through the Hands of a Skilled Surgeon

Jul 25


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Liposuction is a cosmetic surgical procedure that is also known as lipoplasty that removes fat from many areas of the human body. Areas where a lipolasty procedure can take place include the neck, buttocks, thighs, back of arms, abdomen and additional areas. Although not an effective method for weight loss, this procedure is an excellent method for spot reduction and reduces the fullness in any region of the body. Liposuctions are most often performed on men in the flanks and abdominal areas and in women it is mostly performed in the outer thighs and abdominal areas.

The main goal of these procedures it to cause the least amount of disturbance to surrounding tissue,Liposuction-Making Dramatic Improvements in Appearance through the Hands of a Skilled Surgeon Articles remove the right amount of fat, cause the least amount of discomfort to surgeon and patient, and to not disturb a persons fluid balance. There have been many ideas that have emerged where techniques have been refined in lipo procedures which resulted in the procedures becoming more effective, painless, easy and safe.

Good candidates for liposuction include individuals that are in good general health and over the age of 18, however there are no absolute age limits for this procedure. Good candidates should also be close to their goal weight but may find it difficult to loose those last 10-15 pounds that persist in certain areas of the body. Individuals who have good skin elasticity will see better results as it allows the skin to shrink more easily to the reduced contour. To achieve the best results, your plastic surgeon should be active in the American Society of Plastic Surgeons because this ensures that they have extensive experience and training in all types of plastic surgical procedure which includes reconstruction, body, face, and breasts.

Before your liposuction procedure one of the things your surgeon will talk to you about is how to prepare for surgery. Instructions such as guidelines on drinking, eating, smoking and which medications and vitamins to take or avoid in addition to what will happen if you should develop a cold just prior to surgery will be discussed. You will also learn how long before surgery you must stop taking anticoagulants and whether or not to fast which will be determined on the type of anesthesia used.

The recovery period following a liposuction procedure will probably leave the patient experiencing some fluid drainage that will come from the incisions. There are times when a small drainage tube will be inserted underneath the skin for a few days in order to prevent fluid build-up. In order to help the skin have a better fit to its new contours and to control swelling, a patient may be fitted with an elastic garment that is to be worn over the area that was treated for a few weeks. Patients may experience pain, temporary numbness, bleeding, swelling, stiffness, soreness, and burning following surgery. Pain medications are given to control discomfort and pain and it is common for patients to feel a little depressed or anxious within days or weeks after surgery, which will usually subside once they feel and look better.

The healing process is gradual following a lipo procedure and a knowledgeable plastic surgeon will probably tell you to begin walking around as soon as possible which will aid in reducing the amount of swelling you have and will also prevent blood clots from forming in your legs. After a two week period following surgery, you may be ready to return to work and a week to 10 days following surgery the stitches are removed or they dissolve on their own. You should avoid strenuous activity for about a month following surgery while your body continues to heal.

Although normally safe, there are some possible risks associated with liposuction procedures which is why to ensure the best and most successful outcome, your physician should be well trained, licensed, skilled and have extensive knowledge with this type of procedure. The minimum training your plastic surgeon should have is core accredited surgical training in addition to special training in the area of body contouring. You should also make sure that your board certified plastic surgeon has the granted privileges to perform this procedure in an accredited hospital.

Make a call to a state of the art surgical facility, preferably one that is accredited by the AAAASF (American Association for Accreditation of Ambulatory Surgical Facilities) where you will speak to a friendly staff that will take down your personal information and schedule a consultation so you can speak to the plastic surgeon. Take a small moment out of your life to improve your appearance and you will enjoy the results for years to come.