Make Your Arms Look Slimmer and Firmer with Arm Liposuction

Mar 26


Carl White

Carl White

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Arm liposuction surgery is the best solution if you want to improve the appearance of your upper arms. In this, the latest laser techniques are used and you are assured the best results.

It is necessary to have well-shaped and sleek arms if you want to look good in sleeveless dresses and swimwear. Often,Make Your Arms Look Slimmer and Firmer with Arm Liposuction Articles exercise and dieting fail when you try to get rid of fat and sagging skin from the upper arm. Arm liposuction surgery is the best solution if you want to improve the appearance of your arms and make them look slimmer and firmer. In this aesthetic procedure, the latest laser liposuction technology is used and you are assured the best results.The arm liposuction procedure is specially designed for:>> Removal of extra skin and fat from the region of the elbow to the underarm>> Reshaping the arms>> Tightening the skinThe laser liposuction procedure removes excess skin and fat from the arms to make them look slimmer. Then the supportive tissue is reshaped and tightened. If you need to remove only small or moderate pockets of fat from the upper arms, then mini arm lift would be an ideal option. Patient-friendly and Safe Treatment with Smartlipo TriplexWith the help of Cynosure’s Smartlipo Triplex technology, effective treatment is provided to individuals who want to contour the upper arms and make them more attractive. This technology is very patient-friendly, safe and minimally invasive. The Smartlipo Triplex device utilizes a powerful combination of 3 laser wavelengths of 1440, 1320 and 1064nm to remove fat and tighten skin. Fat is liquefied easily with the laser energy and is extracted quickly and painlessly. The blood vessels coagulate and at the same time the skin is tightened. Thus, enhanced results are ensured. The benefits of the procedure are:>> It is a minimally invasive procedure>> There is reduced pain, bleeding and swelling>> Downtime is less>> The energy delivery is controlled>> There is minimal surgical complications and scarringThis liposuction procedure can be provided under local anesthesia, which makes it much safer than traditional liposuction carried out under general anesthesia. Normal activities can be resumed within a period of one week. A specialized plastic surgeon should be located if you are expecting remarkable aesthetic results from the arm liposuction procedure. The surgeon would discuss all aspects of the surgery with you, and also the kind of results you can expect. He/she would stress the importance of maintaining realistic expectations, and provide advice on the steps to follow to maintain the good results obtained.Always see to it that the plastic surgery center is AAAASF certified and utilizes advanced techniques of liposuction. This ensures effective and safe removal of fat as well as superior effects of skin tightening.