Natural Home Remedies For Removal Of Moles

Jan 3


Sergen Lowrens

Sergen Lowrens

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Moles are the clusters of pigmented cells which appear to be small dark brown spots on the skin. These moles can be found on face, legs, arms and torso and are known as nevus or nevi in medical terms. However these are not dangerous but in some cases they may take the form of cancer.

Moles are the clusters of pigmented cells which appear to be small dark brown spots on the skin. These moles can be found on face,Natural Home Remedies For Removal Of Moles Articles legs, arms and torso and are known as nevus or nevi in medical terms. However these are not dangerous but in some cases they may take the form of cancer. Hereditary, exposure to sunlight and proliferation of the pigment cells are the various causes of moles. There are many natural remedies to remove moles naturally but first one has to confirm whether the mole can take the form of cancer or not. If there is no such danger then they can try some natural home remedies for the removal of the moles.

The following are the some natural home remedies for removal of the moles:
  • One of the most effective and simple natural home remedy for moles is the coriander paste. Applying this paste on the moles helps in the removal of the mole in few days.
  • One of the simplest remedy for moles is crushing a clove of garlic and placing it on the mole and covering with bandage.
  • Daily apply honey on the affected area.
  • Ground flaxseeds are to be mixed with flaxseed oil and some raw honey. This mixture is to be applied on the moles.
  • The moles can be lightened by applying the fresh pineapple juice on them several times a day.
  • Juice of fig stems can be applied on the moles to get rid of them.
  • Massaging with castor oil twice a day on the moles will give good results.
  • Mix a pinch of baking soda with some drops of castor oil and make a paste. This paste has to be applied on the moles at night and has to be washed away in the morning. This has to be repeated for few days.
  • By rubbing the tincture of iodine on the mole at night for two to three days, the mole starts vanishing.
  • The mole will disappear in three to four weeks by applying a drop of grapefruit seed extract and covering it with a bandage. This has to be done for two to three times a day.
  • Another natural remedy for moles is applying tea tree oil on them for 7 to 10 days.
  • The dandelion root has to be rubbed on the affected areas thrice a day.
  • Rub the mole with the cauliflower juice and the results can be seen in few days.