Personal Trainer Explains "3 Foods That Appear To Be Healthy But Aren't"

Jan 27


 Jonathan Wong

Jonathan Wong

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Here are 3 foods that many people think are healthy but in fact may hurt the health of you and your family.


Because of the large market for health foods,Personal Trainer Explains "3 Foods That Appear To Be Healthy But Aren't" Articles manufacturers will try to trick you into thinking a bad food is a healthy one in an effort to steal your hard earned cash.

Some scary examples will be shown below. Take care that you don't get fooled by these marketers and protect your health and the health of your family and loved ones.

Fake Healthy Food #1

Orange Juice. How can the humble breakfast staple be an unhealthy products. Yes fresh oranges are a great sources of vitamins and are good for you, but orange juice can be a killer.

Why? Well commercial orange juice is made in huge processing plants. These plants take in vast quantities of whole oranges and crush them. The bad news is that the skins are also crushed together with the rest of the orange in this process. (Later to be used for animal feed)

That is a problem because of all the pesticides in the orange skins! These chemicals get mixed into your juice. These chemicals are choline inhibitors. That means that they interfere with your brains ability to handle memory and images. In effect, commercial orange juice is a brain toxin. Stay away!

Fake Healthy Food #2

Breakfast Cereals

Breakfast cereals are often seen as the "breakfast of champions" and this is exactly what advertisements will tell you.

Don't fall for it!

Cereals are made from the ground pulp of grains. This pulp has close to zero nutrients because the fibrous and mineral containing husks of the grains are already removed. In addition, allergy to grains is very high especially among the Caucasian population.

An experiment at the University of Michigan involved 18 rats. They were divided into three groups: one group received corn flakes and water; the second group was fed water as well as the cardboard box that came with the corn flakes; the control group received rat chow and water.

The control group was fine. The rats eating the box were malnourished of course and eventually died. But the rats receiving the corn flakes and water died before the rats that were eating the box! (The last corn flake rat died the day the first box rat died.)

They also died a ugly death, which included schizophrenic behavior, fits, convulsions and biting each other.

The conclusion is that the cornflake box was more nutritious than the cornflakes!

Fake Healthy Food #3

Milk. Gasp, especially with all the celebs advertising for milk. Milk itself is not the problem, its just the low quality milk that is usually available to us! Fresh, raw cow milk is actually ok! But when we drink processed milk from unhealthy cows, we end up with...

Reduced Fat Content - Good fats like those in milk are NOT bad for us. But our modern milk has little of this. We use the fats in milk to absorb the other nutrients in the milk, so milk without fat can actually drain your body's nutrients.

Watery, low nutrient milk - This is a result of cows unnaturally raised, fed bad things like soy and orange peels and rushed into milk production

Powdered milk - These milks are created with a lot of exposure to oxygen. This oxidizes the cholesterol and fat in the milk making is very unhealthy for us because of the increased risk of heart disease.