Plastic Surgery Recovery Requires Lots Of Planning

Dec 14


Andrea Avery

Andrea Avery

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Before you schedule any type of plastic surgery, consider the arrangements you will have to make. Think about whether you will truly be able to relax during recovery.

If you are planning to get plastic surgery of any kind,Plastic Surgery Recovery Requires Lots Of Planning Articles you will have a recovery period that you must endure. As long as an incision is involved, you will probably have to spend at least a week, if not several, recuperating. This means that you cannot do all the activities you are used to completing. Consider some of the major changes to expect in your life during the weeks of recovery.

The first thing to think about is that you cannot usually go to work while recovering from plastic surgery. You typically need to stay in bed or at least at home for about one week since moving around too much can keep the incision from healing. You will probably also be bruised and swollen, and generally not feeling well enough to go about life as usual. This means you need to schedule at least one week off work after plastic surgery, though you may need to take additional time if your job requires you to be active.

You also cannot do the normal housekeeping chores during recovery. This is why it is likely a good idea to hire a housekeeper while you heal, or at least have a friend or relative to help you for the first few days. You may be able to get up and do dishes or straighten up during the first week, but do not expect to be vacuuming or dusting until a few weeks have passed. The same goes for working out, as you typically cannot do strenuous activity for the first several weeks following the operation. You may be able to take relaxing walks once your doctor says it is okay, but you generally have to wait six weeks to do otherwise.

Finally, if you have children at home, you should plan to have someone else help take care of them. It may be nearly impossible to take care of a baby or toddler by yourself after plastic surgery since you will be sleeping or basically relaxing for the first few days, so getting a babysitter or using a daycare may be a good idea. Older children are usually easier to take care of during this time, especially if they go to school, but you may not be able to pick them up, drop them off, or make dinner for them for the first week, so it is a good idea to have someone help you. The same goes if you have pets, as you will need someone to help feed them, walk them, and give them attention, so be sure to plan for this after plastic surgery.

Clearly, the recovery period can take some planning, and you may even find that now is not a good time to get an operation since you may have little help available to you. Before you schedule the procedure, make sure you know how to deal with these demands so that you do not feel too overwhelmed. You should be able to relax a bit as you heal, as otherwise it may take a long time to truly recover from the procedure.