Remove Your Mercury Fillings - The Day of the Removal

Apr 26


Annika Ek

Annika Ek

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Do you have mercury fillings that need to be removed? Protection provided by your dentist should include oxygen inserted into your nose, a rubber dam or other...


Before the day comes when it is time to head to the dentist for the removal of fillings,Remove Your Mercury Fillings - The Day of the Removal Articles I hope you have followed the "Getting Ready for Mercury Filling Removal" protocol (part I of this articles series) for at least 3-4 weeks, to boost your strength and immunity. You should also have had a bio-compatibility testing done to make sure that the new material that your teeth will be filled with are a good fit for you.

Depending on how many filling you have, you may have to make several visits to the dentist before all the mercury is out. Don't start the "Heavy Metal Detox Protocol" until ALL your fillings are removed and there is no mercury left in your mouth.

A. Before the Mercury Removal

1. DON'T take vitamin C for 24 hours before the removal, since it can interfere with the anesthesia.

2.Take couple of chlorella capsules before the procedure. Since some people are sensitive to chlorella make sure you have tried chlorella before and that you can tolerate it. Chlorella contains lots of chlorophyll and binds with toxins like mercury.

B. During the Mercury Removal

3. Protection provided by your dentist should include:

- Oxygen inserted into your nose, so you can breathe clean air during the procedure.

- A rubber dam or other physical barrier to ensure that you don't ingest mercury during the removal.

- Constant washing and suction to remove the mercury as it is drilled out.

- Removal from no more than one quadrant at the time to avoid crossing meridians. Ideally no more than 2 teeth per visit should be worked on, or not sitting in the chair for more than 2 hours.

C. After the Mercury Removal

4. Right after the procedure, open a one or two chlorella capsules in your mouth and sprinkle on your teeth to absorb any metal residue, spit out after 10 minutes and rinse with water. Repeat in the evening

5. Now that the procedure is over you should take vitamin C to benefit from its antioxidant effect. Take 500 mg every couple of hours, up to 2000 - 3000 mg.

6. Take an agent that will absorb mercury like 2 capsules of activated charcoal or a binder like Herbal Bulk (2 tsp) along with a green powder like Phyto Greens (1-2 tbsp), both from Genestra.

If you have no more mercury fillings left to remove, continue with the "Heavy Metal Detox Protocol" (part III of this article series). If you are going back to the dentist for more removals, go back to following the "Getting Ready Protocol" (part I of this articles series). As a general guide line it is recommended that you wait at least 9 days to 1 month, or more before moving on to the next quadrant. Talk to your dentist and/or doctor to decide on what is a good pace for your individual case to have the mercury fillings removed. Your symptoms and general state of health naturally plays a role.

Disclaimer: These recommendations are not intended to be in place of advice from a physician, dentist or natural health practitioner familiar with your case.