Removing corns by paring and trimming

Jun 24


Patrick Williams

Patrick Williams

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Paring and trimming corns may seem like a "dangerous" procedure to do by yourself. I personally have successfully removed corns that were bothering me with some simple paring techniques.


Thickened areas of skin that have formed due to pressure on your toes are known as corns and calluses.  They are normally seen on your toes and on the soles.  How do you remove corns and calluses?  It is actually simple provided you have the proper tools and you know how to do it.  Removing cornsand calluses can be done in a lot of varied ways.  Some of these are the use of over-the-counter medications,Removing corns by paring and trimming Articles toe protection or footpads, better foot sanitation and paring and trimming.

I know you are thinking that paring and trimminghurts, right?  Well, let me share with you the proper way of removing corns and calluses through paring and trimming but with less pain.  First, you need to have a corn and callus shaver to trim them down.  Trimming them will diminish the pressure on the tissues situated beneath.  Using the corn and callus shaver needs patience less you want to hurt yourself.  Remember that it has a blade although it was not meant to cut your skin.

By reducing pressure on the affected area, corns and calluses can be prevented to re-arise.  You can do this by using a corn protector or wearing more comfy shoes.  Continued pressure on the area will likely bring the corn or callus back.  The pumice stone can also diminish the hardening of the skin.  But before you do that, you must first immerse your feet in warm water for about 15 to 20 minutes.  This will soften the skin and that will make it easier for you to rub the hardened skin with the pumice stone.  You should observe this procedure within 4 to 5 days.  Moisturize your feet regularly to keep the vulnerable areas soft.  If you are really keen in removing corns and calluses, you must take extra time to take care of your feet as well.

Removing corns and calluses cannot be done in just a day or two especially if they have gone stubborn.  Relax and do not be distressed.  Doing the pairing and trimming method is a tested method of removing corns and calluses.  Maybe it is time for you to try this method and start feeling smooth skin on your feet.
