Six Pack Dieting: Myths Vs Realities!

Dec 15


Rakesh Sharma Jack

Rakesh Sharma Jack

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You can get those perfect six pack abdominal muscles by doing workout routines that are specifically targeted at building them. However, regular exercises should be supplemented with a diet that aids muscle building. The crucial aspect of following a diet is peeling off layers of fat that hides those six pack abs. A diet that is rich in proteins, with low at and good carbs is the key to achieving results that you expect in muscle gain and six pack abdominal muscles shape up.


You might wonder how food can affect muscle building and a six pack abs workout. Well,Six Pack Dieting: Myths Vs Realities! Articles the truth of the matter is that the kind of food you intake plays a huge role in how your muscles develop. Here is a look at the kind of six pack dieting plans that you can take for gaining six pack abdominal muscles:

Protein and Carbohydrates

Getting enough protein is highly important for gaining six pack abs fast. As they are responsible for activities such as cell repair and it is vital to get adequate dosages of it daily. Body builders know the role that protein plays in building muscle blocks. You can gain good enough protein from foods such as fish, milk, egg white, chicken, tuna, salmon and cheese. The quantity of protein that you intake is directly proportional to muscle growth. Ideally, the amount of protein that you take in per day should be between 20 to 25 grams. A very simple protein diet can be something like two eggs, bacon and a glass of milk in the morning, fruit and cottage cheese for snacking an hour later, lunch inclusive of lean meat and vegetables, eggs with flavored milk, and dinner with meat and vegetables.

Muscle build up exercises such a weight lifting and other exercise forms, such as pull-ups or push ups, stress up your muscles and when they are rested, vital repair and recovery of muscle tissues is required. At this time, it is essential for the body to have enough protein so that the recovery process happens well. A protein rich diet is necessary for this purpose, as are protein supplements. Important protein supplement products available in the market include Gaspari MyoFusion, VPX Syngex Protein, MGN Pure Whey Protein Isolate, LG Sciences Lipotropic Protein, and VPX Zero Carb Protein. Intake of protein should be coordinated with every pound of bodyweight that we gain in a day. It is vital to get about a gram of protein per pound of bodyweight daily, so that muscle build up happens quickly. Protein intake can be regulated by finding out how your body reacts to protein intake.

While having the right level of protein is necessary, it is also vital to have just the right amount of carbohydrates. The main component of muscle building is getting the right amount of calories as you need energy to carry out your workouts. The right carbohydrates provide proper energy that will help you perform your exercise regime thoroughly.

Before you begin workouts, you can take some low-glycemic carbs, something like an hour prior to using weights to gain energy for helping you perform your workouts, without feeling the stress for want of energy. Best low-glycemic carbs include oatmeal, rye bread, spaghetti, sweet potato, cereal and pinto beans. After workouts, you should consume food rich in carbs to replace energy levels. Now you have to choose high-glycemic carbs such as white rice, white bread, mashed potatoes, and fruits like pineapple or bananas.

Other Pointers on a Six Pack Dieting Plan

The point about a six pack diet is that you would need considerable energy for which you need to alter the number of times that you eat food in a day. It is vital to enhance the food intake from something like three times a day to six times a day. This gives your body metabolism going on smoothly and helps to burn calories faster. When you have three meals per day, you tend to take foods in large portions, which increases the sugar level in the body and also invariably makes you put on fat. Bring it down to six smaller meals that are more natural and reduce sugar quantity. It is important to check out the number of calories that you intake everyday so that your energy levels are always maintained at the right level. The food levels that you consume everyday largely depend on body type, the kind of activities you are going to perform in a day, plus your workout and also you fat loss goals.

Most often, there is always the urge to eat tasty food and so you might tend to include, such as oily foods or salty foods in your daily diet. Though the food you choose may be high in protein content and carbohydrates, using too much of oil in them or having too much of salt in them, does not give a healthy body. A six pack abdominal workout demands high energy level, which can be obtained only by having food that are natural, rich in fiber, vitamins and minerals. It is best to avoid alcohol, and include more of water in your daily diet. It is vital to have about 80 ounces of water in a day as this helps to curb hunger pangs and also removes any toxins and excess sodium from the body. Lack of water makes you body retain the water that it already has and this can cause bloating.

You can try out something innovative like having a cheat day, wherein you can eat whatever you like. Having a nutrient packed meal right after your workout, and consuming it in just twenty minutes is yet another way of providing your body with energy that it needs to perform six pack abdominal muscles training fast enough. Do not swallow food quickly as this does not aid the digestive process. When you have something heavy like steak, it is vital to chew at least 70 times before swallowing. Never skip meals and if you find yourself in a situation, where you cannot take a regular meal, you might want to try something like meal replacement bars or shakes because they help to replace calories that you might lose out in the event of skipping a meal.

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