Skin-Savvy Gifting!

Nov 20


Betty Jo

Betty Jo

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Advice on choosing the perfect skin care gifts for the skin-savvy person in your life!


Your skin is your first line of defense from outside attackers so it's important to treat it well! Not to mention it is one of the first things people see when they look at you,Skin-Savvy Gifting! Articles so you want to make sure it's always in top condition!

This holiday season, whether you're shopping for a man, woman or child - skin care products are gift you can't go wrong with. Great as stocking stuffers or in gift baskets, there's many ways you can make skin care gifts special.

For those who love to sprawl out under the sun, protecting skin from sun rays is a must. Even if you're not a sunbaby, harmful sun rays can cause damage to your skin over time so it's important to wear sun screen no matter who you are! Research a variety of sun screens to find out which one is right for your sun lovin' or fair skinned friend.

Nobody likes dry skin - and in the holiday season when winter is getting into full swing, nothing could be better than a great moisturizer! Be it a thick moisturizer, luxurious cream or body balm/butter you can't go wrong gifting a good moisturizing product.

For some, the better smelling and higher quality the product, the better. For others, this isn't always the case. You'll want to make sure to avoid dyes and perfumes if who you're shopping for has extra dry or sensative skin, or dermological problems like eczema or psoriosis. Dyes and perfumes for these people can seriously irritate skin and cause inflamation, so be warey when buying skin care products. You also wants to avoid products containing mineral oil as it does nothing to actually penetrate the dermis layer and moisturize.

A little TLC is always in season and feet are always ready for pampering. Another item to add to this unbeatable skin care gift list are products made solely for feet! Every body loves coming home after a long day at work and being greeted by a mini foot spa. From peppermint foot lotion, pumice stones, and heel cushions, there's tons of options to help you put together a gift basket filled with foot goodies that friends and family are sure to appreciate!

Another option is to gift exfoliants to your skin-savvy recipient. Moisturize, sterilize, hydrolize all you like, but without a good exfoliant skin tends to look tired and dull. There are various sizes of grit in the various types of exfoliants out there - some include salt, suger, or even actual stone particles. It'd be safe to say that the larger grit exfoliants are better used on tough skin on the body like knees, elbows and feet. Keep an eye out for smaller size grit and a larger lotion to grit ratio products if the product is intended for the face - exfoliants are great for skin but on your face they can seriously scratch and cause irritation. To take your gift a step further, include a emroidered washcloth, a sea foam sponge, or a nice luxious shower mitt!

Which ever way you decide to go for gifts this holiday season, skin care gifts are practically fool proof! Just keep in mind who you're shopping for and what their skin is like. The more you know, the better you can tailor your gift to them! Happy shopping!

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