Takes The Confusion Out of Giving Autism Supplements as Treatment

Aug 17


Dr. Kurt Woeller

Dr. Kurt Woeller

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www.AutismSupplementsCenter.com Biomedical autism intervention – The Autism Supplements Guide can help parents and caregivers understand many of the common supplements that are successfully used in treatments for Autism. Biomedical autism intervention specialist physician, Dr. Kurt Woeller, explains. www.AutismSupplementsCenter.com

I have a new book out that is called The Autism Supplements Guide. I do think that you will find this book to be a very helpful resource guide. What I do in this book is I break things down for you and I take the most commonly used supplements used for Autism treatment and do two things. One of the things I do is to break down the various issues your child may be facing into categories. That means you can look for the different supports you may need for your child whether that is help for sleeping issues,Takes The Confusion Out of Giving Autism Supplements as Treatment Articles aggression, attention or focusing, constipation, brain chemistry support or whatever it may be and I give you supplement options that are commonly used to treat those various issues in Autism.

The second thing I do is to give you the freedom to search through the individual supplement options as well. So you get to see information on that supplement but you are also able to cross reference back to those treatment categories that show what particular issues the supplement may help with. We’ve seen that supplements can be very helpful not just for a single issue but can be used for many issues. This cross referencing allows you to see all of the issues that a supplement is helpful for.

Additionally, this book has very helpful information on ways to help get the supplements into your child. Not every child tolerates supplements in the same way and as a parent having to give these to your child, I understand how difficult that can be. And while each child may have their preference for taking supplements, some like powders mixed, others can swallow pills and some need liquid suspensions, not all supplements come in those preferred forms. Mixing supplements with juices can be very common. I offer some suggestions on which juices seem to work well and I also tell you what to avoid when giving supplements. Certain minerals should be given away from other supplements, for example zinc and calcium should not be given at the same time. These and other tips are in my new book to help make your life easier when it comes to understanding supplements. So please read The Autism Supplements Guide, I believe that it will be a helpful resource for you and your family.