The Damage That Rapid Weight Loss Can Do To Your Body

Jul 1


Jon Allo

Jon Allo

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Whenever people are look for ways to lose weight as fast as possible they will usually end up with a diet that takes things to the extreme. This can severely limit the nutrition they need, a calorie intake below a healthy level or exercising to the point of exhaustion.


There are a lot of diet programs that say that they can deliver rapid weight loss over a short period of time. People will try different ways to lose weight fast mainly because they believe that they can lose weight safely and it's what they need to help them get started with a new diet. But rapid weight loss is never a good idea.

People will typically end up with a diet that takes things to the extreme when they are looking for ways to lose weight fast. These diets can seriously limit the nutrition you need,The Damage That Rapid Weight Loss Can Do To Your Body Articles reduce calorie intake below a healthy and balanced level or have an exercise plan that takes you to the point of complete exhaustion.

The Problems With Losing Weight Too Quickly.

While you will see the weight come off fast whenever you get on a rapid weight loss program, you'll begin to lose more than just fat. The first thing that you begin to lose is the water weight in your body.

If the extreme dieting continues, then you begin to lose muscle tissue as well. Extreme dieting causes the immune system to be lowered and leaves you at a higher risk of illness and serious diseases.

When you lose weight too fast your body can't cope with not getting sufficient calories so your metabolism begins to fight against the rapid weight loss. Once your metabolism slows down, it can be complicated to get it back where it was before you began your quick weight loss regime.

When you lose weight too fast your body can't cope with not getting sufficient calories so your metabolism begins to fight against the rapid weight loss. Once your metabolism slows down, it can be complicated to get it back where it was before you began your quick weight loss regime.

Getting Rid Of More Than Just Fat.

Besides malnutrition, rapid weight loss that results in lost muscle tissue can return in areas as you gain weight back. But it will return in areas that you don't want it to return in - and worse, instead of muscle, the weight gain will be as fat.

Be cautious when you see claims that losing 10 pounds in one week is safe and healthy. One pound (or approximately half a kilo) of body fat is the equivalent of 3,500 calories. Burning off 35,000 calories in a week is very severe and will have a negative effect on your body.

The best way to lose weight safely is to stick to a doctor recommended 1 to 2 pounds (about 1 kilo) per week after the initial loss. Whenever you begin a new diet, it's normal to lose 3 to 4 pounds (or about 2 kilos) the first week as you stop feeding your body more calories than it burns as fuel. But after that, you should only notice the 1 to 2 pound weight loss.