The History of the Health Spa

Nov 29


Abraham Avotina

Abraham Avotina

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Where did the spa concept come from and why were they so important to the civilizations of the ancient world?

When they think about a spa,The History of the Health Spa Articles most people think of a steamy retreat where they can relax with a massage, hair cut, or other type of beauty treatment. The term often refers to water treatments, commonly known as balneotherapy. Often these types of treatments are found in what we know as "hot springs" or "resorts" because the waters in these areas are believed by many to contain some type of healing powers.

The history of the spa takes us back to the bronze age where archaeological digs have found indications of people traveling to hot or cold springs with the belief that they would be cured of some type of illness that they had. Some had the belief that if they bathed in certain pools, it resulted in being purified spiritually. It is still believed today by many of the mainstream religions of the world. Often times this resulted in few buildings being built around the water.

Throughout world history, many civilizations built their culture around baths. Some of these cultures include:

- Ancient Greece and Rome - Many of the earliest treatments came from the Greeks and many bathing facilities have been discovered in Knossos, Crete, Akrotiri, and Santorini from as early as 2,000 BC. Their gymnasiums included facilities for both relaxing and taking care of personal needs. It was believed that the gods blessed the pools and the waters in them were able to cure many illnesses. The Romans later used many of the same practices in their bathing and later included them in many of their colonies.

- Medieval Times - By this time, the public baths had become a place where immorality took place and was banned by the church because instead of promoting healing, they were promoting illness. Instead they visited holy wells that were said to cure certain illnesses only and would take mineral water baths twice a day while drinking a mineral water as well. These were believed to completely cleanse the body both inside and out.

- The 18th Century - they would take a bath early in the morning, then have a private breakfast party. They would then drink water from the pool's source. The people were encouraged to both drink and bathe in the waters at the health resorts. It was during this time that the people were encouraged once again to enjoy the mineral baths and spa treatments.

- The modern spa - treatments today include aromatherapy, bathing in hot tubs, mud baths, body wraps, facials, massages, nail care, exfoliation, waxing, personal training, and weight loss. This is all in a facility that has been aesthetically created for these beauty treatments.

Whether you are looking for the health benefits of the center or just time to relax and melt away the cares of your life, no matter where you are, there is a place that you can enjoy.

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