The Naked Truth About the Master Cleanse Diet (Ezine - Lemon Diet)

Apr 26




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The lemon juice cleanse is the best way to start a New Year's diet.


As well as quickly dropping unwanted pounds,The Naked Truth About the Master Cleanse Diet (Ezine - Lemon Diet) Articles this method also gives your system a great inner cleanse after all the excess of the holidays!

Lemon Diet

OK, so how exactly do you lose weight fast this way?

Well, the lemonade diet, as it's often called, is a 10-day program in which you consume a specific daily amount of a drink that uses all-natural ingredients you can pick up from your neighborhood supermarket. You can easily make the drink in your kitchen from filtered water, organic grade B maple syrup, organic lemon juice and a little cayenne pepper.

 Lemon Detox Diet

You'll also need some unrefined sea salt to make a daily morning drink to flush your system each day and some decaffeinated tea is also recommended to help the cleaning process.

Many people have reported sensational weight loss using this method, sometimes dropping 10 pounds or more in less than 2 weeks.

Now you might have read or heard that losing weight with this diet means eating nothing for 10 days and just existing on a liquid diet.

This NOT true!

Lemon Diet

OK, when the original lemon juice cleanse was developed more than 60 years ago, itwas strictly "liquid only" - which is why so many people failed at it. Let's face it, most of us would do poorly on a diet with no food at all and many who tried the original cleanse couldn't last beyond three or four days due to hunger, weakness, headaches and stomach cramps.

And no wonder - our bodies need nourishment!

Even those with the mental toughness to survive the full ten days on liquids only found it took them days to get back to normal eating afterward as their stomachs couldn't tolerate full meals.

That's why Master Cleanse expert Raylen Sterling devised a modified version of the diet to allow the user to keep eating. The weight loss is still impressive and the side effects are minimal.

Thousands of people have had success with Sterling's new diet and you can, too.

Learn how to make pounds melt away after New Year using the Lemon Juice Cleanse []. Go to Diets Consumer Reports [].