The Necessity of a Dentist

Sep 1


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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Going to the dentist twice a year is necessary. Read more to learn why bi-annual cleanings and consultations are an important part of your oral healthcare.

With the over the counter tooth brushes and dental cleaning tools along with advanced solutions for cleaner,The Necessity of a Dentist Articles healthier, whiter teeth some people might be thinking they could forego their bi-annual cleanings to the dentist and take care of their oral health themselves. Although you can get pretty far on your own with taking care of your own teeth, a dentist should been seen as a doctor, a specialist in their field that can accurately assess the health of your mouth and recognize the potential problems you may have before they happen. It is important to maintain your dental health with regular office visits and personal oral maintenance at home too.

Just because you have an expensive electric toothbrush at home, it does not mean that it can accomplish what professional dental healthcare tools can. The electric toothbrush is a product designed based on advanced dentistry, but the technology at the dentist’s office can advance much quicker than a market product. Today, your dentist is equipped with the latest cutting edge technology that can clean your teeth better and safer. When you go in for a cleaning, your dentist is actually cleaning the hard to reach places along your gum line, the places where even the fanciest, most expensive brushes don’t reach. You’d be surprised to know that it is actually more important to floss than brush. Don’t think your new contraption can do any better than a professional dental healthcare office. 

As far as teeth whitening, you have a lot of options available to you in your local convenience store, but you should be careful regarding these treatments. Improper or excessive use can damage your enamel. In fact, all of your work brushing your teeth with whitening toothpaste may be more damaging than effective. It’s important to take care of your enamel by focusing on the cleanliness of your gums, not the whiteness of your teeth. Your excessive brushing could be damaging your enamel! Your dentist will have a better, safer alternative for you in their office. This can also provide better, longer lasting results. 

The last reason a dentist is important is because they can see things that you can’t. They can recognize when gums are looking unhealthy or detect early signs of cavities. The reason you head to their office for regular cleanings twice a year is not only to professionally clean your teeth, but to allow them to regularly checkup on your overall oral heath and consult with you on your lifestyle and maintenance habits so that they can understand your needs as a patient. They may discuss improvements or suggest medical attention. Don’t think you can skip out on another appointment. Make sure that you visit your dentist’s office twice a year.