The Truth About Weight Control, Food And Getting Fat

Aug 26


Patrick Daniels

Patrick Daniels

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It is interesting that when you look at pictures of generations past it seems that everyone was thin. In most old pictures you are hard pressed to find nearly anyone that is even slightly overweight much less obese, so what has changed?

It is interesting that when you look at pictures of generations past it seems that everyone was thin. In most old pictures you are hard pressed to find nearly anyone that is even slightly overweight much less obese,The Truth About Weight Control, Food And Getting Fat Articles so what has changed?

More than any other time in recent history, people are beginning to be concerned with the food they are consuming and what is actually in the food. The evidence that will support such a question is due to the fact that the more health conscious people are, they still are losing the battle to keep the weight off, so there has to be another problem area that is making obesity a commonality in the collective population.

Previous generations enjoyed butter by the stick, meat and dairy products by the wagon load as well as mashed potatoes smothered in gravy sauce and bread by the loaves without the hint of a pound of weight gaining ground in the waist area. Why then is obesity and being overweight becoming a health nightmare for many people who are truly trying to get healthy but with depressive results and no good answers? Many suspect that the problem is due to the many chemicals that makeup most all the food being consumed by the masses. Could it be that all the food we were taught was bad for us did actually generate good health back then? Who among us wouldn't rather eat chemical free fried chicken, grilled steaks, eggs, biscuits and gravy to regain some lost health?

For a long time now the federal government has been telling us what to eat, what labels to look at when it comes to nutritional values, and how many calories to consume. But all this is not adding up to a healthier America but an unhealthier one with more disease and more cancer then has been seen in generations past.

The real truth is beginning to show that the so called healthy choices that include diet drinks replacing regular ones, or choosing margarine instead of real butter is causing some very disturbing reactions by the body because the additives are so foreign, it doesn't know how to process these foreign substances that are being added to improve the shelf life, taste and look of the foods. The real research is showing beyond debate that consuming artificial food replacements is taking American citizens down a darkened road.

The truth is that when sweet and low came out it was shown to cause cancer in laboratory animals and yet ironically it is still on the market today. Now you may ask how that could be and the answer is simple. People who are on a diet want a sweet, sugar alternative and they have found it in artificial sweeteners. Granted natural options are becoming available now however it is important to realize that your body still feels the need to treat even the most natural of these products as sugar so beware and limit your intake of artificial sweeteners as well.