The yogic path towards attainment of Moksha

Dec 21


Karan Khalsa

Karan Khalsa

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This article discusses about the way of attainment of Moksha by practicing Yoga. It also talks about the importance of music in Yoga.


Moksha or Mukti is a Sanskrit word means 'release' or to let go. Moksha means liberation from samsara i.e. the cycle of death and rebirth and all the pains,The yogic path towards attainment of Moksha Articles sufferings and boundaries of earthy existence after the union with God. The key to attain Moksha is self-realization or atma-jnana. Meditation is the path towards self-realization and when it is done with Meditation music, the profound task of realizing the self within seems effortless. According to the ancient scriptures Moksha is considered as a state of higher consciousness or a completion of phenomenal being where all worldly realities like time, space, energy etc. are considered as maya. For ages Yoga is believed to help human beings in the attainment of Moksha. Mainly four forms of Yoga-Karma, Bhakti, Jnana and Raja have the power to achieve this Mukti. Apart from these four forms Kriya Yoga, Gurukeripa Yoga, Mantra Yoga, Laya Yoga, Vihangam Yoga, Sahaj yoga, Shiva yoga etc. are some other forms of Yoga which can help human beings to attain this Mukti. Kundalini Yoga can also help one to reach this ultimate salvation point. Super power exists in various forms. The main four forms of Yogic practice have different meanings and significances. Karma yoga means working for the Supreme, Jnana yoga is realizing the Supreme whereas meditating the Supreme is Raja yoga and Bhakti yoga helps to serve one's own devotion to the Supreme. Moksha is the state of ultimate peace which comes after achieving ultimate knowledge. By practicing Yoga the end goal of union with God can be attained as Yoga is the way of connecting one's soul with the Supreme power. Yoga also ensures freedom from all kinds of worldly pain thus making the life more balanced which is the first step towards attaining Moksha. With Kundalini yoga, the aspirant gradually moves out from within rather forcing the mind to free itself from the mundane world. That results in uniting with the Consciousness or in other words achieving the Moksha. Here Yoga Music with its soothing and serene tunes helps to set the chord in proper tune. Through our lives we easily get attracted to numerous mortal things and make ourselves believe that life will remain incomplete without these materials. Because we cannot control our mind rather it controls our lives at times. These earthy wants prevent us from achieving the Moksha in our lifetime. But regular practice of Yoga helps to clear the mind from all kinds of impurities bringing the aspirant nearer to the highest state of Moksha. This state of living life without any passion or desire for worldly materials is known as Nirvana. Apart from Yogic practice, meditation is another way of attaining Moksha. Meditation music inspires the feeling of oneness to one's soul and to the God. To get the right mood and uncover the pure spirit, one can also listen to the divine tunes and songs of various Yoga DVDs offered by Spirit Voyage. Yoga Music enhances the power of yoga taking one to the desireless state free from all earthly wants and desires. Yoga DVDs offered by Spirit Voyage are intended to heighten this sense of liberation. The pure devotional music and songs by Snatam Kaur, Deva Premal, Wah!, Donna De Lory and Gurmukh fill up the air with a sense of tranquility. The unruffled atmosphere drags the mind from all materialistic thoughts and helps to unite with the Absolute power.