Time to Be Your Own Doctor?

Sep 14


Vic Shayne, Dr.

Vic Shayne, Dr.

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As health care options are becoming more of a challenge is it the right time to act as your own doctor? Dr. Shayne takes an interesting view on this long discussed topic and you'll be surprised by his insight. Dr. Shayne's years of providing assistance to those seeking nutritional solutions to their health problems has given him keen insight into the relationship between health care and self responsibility. In this article he recommends self empowerment through knowledge rather than dependence and submission of your health.


Natural health care is an ancient idea. It is the first kind of health care system known to humankind. Primitive people had no doctors until they began to form social systems. From there,Time to Be Your Own Doctor? Articles medicine men and medicine women, steeped in mythological lore, used herbs, foods, water, mud and other natural substances as the basis of their healing modalities. They also infused this practice with dance, music and a lot of ritual as a means of wholistic healing by bridging the mind-body gap. As we all know, primitive forms of healing, along with the evolution of mankind and scientific discovery, eventually evolved into what we have today as the most widely accepted and politically preferred standard of healing, known as allopathic medicine.

Certainly, the idea of natural health care, even when allopathic medicine was at its zenith, never disappeared. There have always been natural healers, whether we're talking about naturopaths and nutritionists or grandma and her chicken soup. However, allopathic medicine has failed us as a society. Driven by excessive greed, power, and beset with a close-minded attitude and never-ending side effects and complications, we've come to realize that modern medicine is not a panacea. Instead of being the first choice in health care, it should be the option when other, more sensible, options have been exhausted.

Millions of people, and maybe you are among the enlightened numbers, have realized that natural health care works; there are far fewer risks, very few side effects and most of all, the power to heal is in your own hands (and in your own body). There is also a realization that, as smart as scientists are, they just cannot recreate life or duplicate or improve upon Nature. It has long been said, "Only God can make a tree." Regardless of whether you take this as literal or figurative, the bottom line is that the power of healing, as a force of nature, is no match for the limited mind and machines of man.

One of the biggest impediments to getting well, if you're unfortunate enough to be sick or suffering from a health problem, is the mindset that you do not have the power to bring about your own healing. Westernized society has become brainwashed, in a way, into thinking that the response to any health problem should be a rush to the nearest medical doctor. How could we not become brainwashed, when everywhere we turn we're faced with the command 'consult your doctor'? And we are told thousands of times throughout the course of our lives that drugs are used for health problems. A lie has become truth to most everyone. That is best revealed when individuals cannot even understand the possibility that something cannot be correct.

As common citizens, we can't get drugs without a doctor. So it seems that healing is out of your hands. But it's not.

We can return to Nature for healing. Even though we are told otherwise by drug companies and doctors, natural health care worked when mankind lived in caves and discovered fire, and it still works today. It works even better today because, thanks to the advances of science which gives us an understanding of HOW nature heals, and which natural substances, foods and herbs are most effective due to their properties and constituents.

Now, to answer the basic question: Can you be your own doctor? The answer is yes, to a degree. In fact, you already are. Each time you recognize that you are ill, you've made a diagnosis. Each time you sleep because you're tired, you've prescribed for yourself a remedy. And like any other doctor, if your problem is beyond your expertise you can go to another doctor. But the first stages of healing begin with you; and many times they can end with you. The more you learn about the healing power of foods and the benefits of eating a whole, pure foods diet, the more power you will have over your own state of health.

Perhaps the most important aspect of natural health care is the notion of prevention. What you do today in terms of taking care of your body will result in fewer health problems in the future. There is nothing modern medicine can offer you in this regard. Modern medicine is reactive, coming into play when illness is already affecting your state of health. Prevention is a proactive practice, a means of taking responsibility for your health today so that tomorrow you will be healthy; prevention is an insurance policy of your own device.

The foundation of all good health is basic: real, pure food, clean water and air, a peaceful mind and exercise. If you can maintain these basics, then you are your own best doctor.