Tips To Prevent Nail Salon Citations From The State Board

Sep 24




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A nail salon is a place where clients can get beauty treatments of various kinds. Unfortunately, it could also become a breeding ground for infections...

A nail salon is a place where clients can get beauty treatments of various kinds. Unfortunately,Tips To Prevent Nail Salon Citations From The State Board Articles it could also become a breeding ground for infections, if it is not maintained properly. Since a salon is frequented by many clients, the risk of infection spreading to many, makes it a matter of great concern. Most states take stringent action against salons that do not follow state regulations and keep their businesses in compliance with the laws of the state. Here are a few tips to prevent the state board from citing one’s salon.

A salon should always employ technicians who carry the required license for their skills. Employing unlicensed workers is against the law and can attract fines and citations. An unlicensed worker would most often be unskilled and unaware of all the sanitation procedures stipulated by the state. Employing unlicensed workers would therefore put the health and well being of clients at risk.

Some salons employ unlicensed workers in order to cut down on salary expenses. Most illegal workers agree to work for lower wages. Therefore, some salons find it profitable to employ technicians who do not have a license to practice their skills. However, in the long run, it could prove to be a costly mistake. Once a salon gets a citation, it could mar the image of the business and turn away clients in large numbers. Therefore, it always pays to employ only skilled and licensed workers, even though it might cost more for the short term.

Secondly, care needs to be taken to ensure that all employees follow all the sanitation procedures required to prevent infections. All the implements have to be disinfected after every use. Instruments used on one client should never be used on another before it is thoroughly cleaned and disinfected. An E.P.A. registered, hospital grade disinfectant needs to be used for disinfecting all implements and tools used in the salon.

Moreover, there are certain procedures like waxing, which require all the implements to be discarded after being used on a client. Reuse of implements while administering such procedures can pass on infection from one client to another. Most states carry serious penalties for such offenses, which could include fines and citations.

All salons need to strictly follow the rules governing their operations, not only to guard their own reputation, but also to offer their clients the best of service that is safe and hygienic.