What are the REAL Health Benefits of Acai Berry?

Jul 17


Travis Van Slooten

Travis Van Slooten

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Acai has been touted as the number one superfruit and for good reason. What is unacceptable however, is how some companies grossly exaggerate the acai's potential benefits just to bring in quick sales. Is acai really a quick weight loss pill? Or an anti-aging product? Here's the lowdown on the real health benefits of the acai berry.

Acai berry has recently jumped into the health food market with a splash and the health benefits of acai berry are are receiving a great deal of attention. Celebrities and doctors are all promoting the acai berry as the new number one super fruit. There are many different ways in which the ingredients in acai berries are thought to improve quality of life. While the berries themselves are still being studied,What are the REAL Health Benefits of Acai Berry? Articles they contain many beneficial elements which have been studied for a while.Fighting DiseaseThe first thing you're likely to hear about acai berry is that it is rich in antioxidants. Cranberries, long believed to be the most antioxidant-rich food you can eat, has only one sixth the ORAC rating of acai berries. Free radicals are believed to be at least partly responsible for many illnesses such as Alzheimer's, Parkinson's and a variety of cancers. Antioxidants are known to slow the progress of free radicals. Studies are being done to determine exactly how effective acai berries are at prevent or fighting many problems brought on by free radicals.Boosting Your BodyThe obesity rate in America is staggering and this is clearly indicated by the growth of the weight loss market which is now said to be in the billion-dollar vicinity. But how does acai contribute in addressing the weight loss problem? Here are the facts: acai berry is rich in fiber and fiber is known to improve one's digestive system, makes you feel fuller, and promotes energy. Basing on these data alone, you can deduce that acai can help in weight loss by allowing you to have more energy for your exercise routine and daily activities without having to eat more. Acai also has unsaturated fats or good fats that are a rich source of Omega fatty acids, which can help lower bad cholesterol. Staying Young and Looking YoungAcai berries are also being studied for other health reasons. They contain a chemical in the skin called anthocyanins. Found in grapes as well, this pigment was studied as a part of The French Paradox. It was discovered that French people suffer from lower rates of coronary heart disease even though their diet is rich in fats. This is believed to be in part because of the anthocyanins in the red wine they drink often. The vitamin E and antioxidants in acai berries are also thought to help reduce the damage the sun causes to your skin. This could lead to reduced signs of aging. Native Brazilians also refer to the acai berry as "rainforest Viagra." The potential benefits there are fairly obvious.While the acai berry is sometimes incorrectly marketed as a cure-all for your problems, it should not be underestimated. It will not rid the world of disease and obesity, but there is a chance that it could be one of the most powerful supplements on the market. If you are looking to maintain a healthy lifestyle, you may be interested in the health benefits of acai berry.Only premium supplements can give the potential health benefits of acai berry! Drop by our site to find out more about pure acai berry supplements including how to find them and what you should avoid before you buy. We also provide detailed reviews and supplement recommendations.