Why Do We Never Hear About Low Blood Pressure

Aug 9


David Cowley

David Cowley

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Having low blood pressure may not be as dangerous as high blood pressure, but there are still several serious concerns for those with this condition. The often experience severe dizziness and lightheadedness, especially upon standing suddenly. They may also have chronic fainting spells. The lack of proper blood circulation can also cause nausea and cold or clammy skin, fatigue, and problems with concentration and problem solving.


Ask anyone about high blood pressure,Why Do We Never Hear About Low Blood Pressure Articles and you're likely to get a lively conversation about cholesterol, stroke, beta blockers, and the like.  Some will start comparing numbers and sigh that they wish their I.Q. was as high as their blood pressure.  But why is it that you never seem to hear anyone talk about low blood pressure?  Are there health concerns with this condition and are they anywhere near as important as the obvious problems with high blood pressure?

Having low blood pressure may not be as dangerous as high blood pressure, but there are still several serious concerns for those with this condition.  The often experience severe dizziness and lightheadedness, especially upon standing suddenly.  They may also have chronic fainting spells.  The lack of proper blood circulation can also cause nausea and cold or clammy skin, fatigue, and problems with concentration and problem solving.  While these may not be exactly life threatening, those with low blood pressure know the dangers of fainting at inopportune times, and may also suffer from depression because of their condition and the resulting fatigue that comes with it.

It's believed that most cases of low blood pressure are more genetic than anything else, however, doctors are agreeing these days that the common blood pressure reading of 120 over 80 is on the high side.  Having low blood pressure is becoming the ideal, if readings are steady around 115 over 75.  Athletes and those who exercise regularly seem to have readings around these numbers.  Most physicians agree that unless the symptoms are interfering with one's life, there is no reason to make changes to try to correct this issue.

At the same time, low blood pressure affects each person differently.  Someone with poor circulation and anemia or an eating disorder can be at extreme risk for starving their heart and vital organs, and of course if you have constant fainting spells, this can interfere with your career, you abilities to perform everyday household tasks, your family life, and of course your health overall.  The body is not mean to be unnaturally sedate like that.  And certainly if you faint and injure yourself or are alone, you may be in need of medical attention.  Some with low blood pressure that experience such symptoms can develop panic attacks and agoraphobia, as they become so anxious about going out without assistance or are simply wondering when will be the next attack.  Depression can result from the interference with one's life.

If your doctor has told you that you have low blood pressure and you experience these symptoms regularly and find that they are interfering with the quality of your life, it's time to speak up.  He or she can recommend lifestyle changes such as an increased salt or water intake, or may be able to prescribe medications in extreme cases.  While low blood pressure may not present the same life threatening symptoms as high blood pressure, you should still be able to enjoy your life without worrying about your next fainting spell or having your career interrupted.

Always consult your doctor before using this information.

This Article is nutritional in nature and is not to be construed as medical advice.

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