Women health issues related to Ginekolog such trudnoca and kondilomi.

Aug 17


Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

Muhammad Azeem Ashraf

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Ginekolog is the branch of medicine which deals with health care for women, especially the diagnosis and treatment involving the disorders of the reproductive organs.

Ginekolog is the surgical specialtiy dealing with the health of the female reproductive which includes the uterus,Women health issues related to Ginekolog such trudnoca and kondilomi.  Articles vagina and ovaries. Women face a number of gynaecological issues all over the world, starting from the onset of puberty till the menopause (cessation of the menstrual cycle). Typically, girls reach puberty around the age of 12 around the globe. The onset of puberty depends on a variety of factors including the environment, climatic conditions, and the genetic history of the girls. Gynaecologists are specialist consultants, to whom the patients are referred to after examination by the General Practitioners. As with other fields of medicine, the main diagnosis is through clinical history and examination. Examination by a ginekolog practitioner is quite detailed and intimate. The tools required in such examination are speculums. This consists f two hinged blades of metal which retract tissues of the vagina to examine the cervix. Most of the ginekolog issues faced by women all over the world are:

a) Cancer of the reproductive organs like the fallopian tubes, uterus, vulva and the vagina. b) Amenorrhea which refers to the state of women in which the menstrual cycle is absent. c) Dysmenorrhea which means extremely painful menstrual cycle experienced by the patient. d) Infertility which is the incapability of the women to conceive. e) Menhorragia which refers to a heavy blood flow during the menstrual cycle. f) Prolapse protruding reproductive organs due to the loosening of the ligaments.e

Sexually transmitted diseases are on the rise mostly in the poverty stricken areas of the world, where education in sexual health is limited to only a few people. Even in first World Countries, promiscuity prevails and does the instance o sexually transmitted diseases. One such disease is the kondilomi or more commonly known as the genital warts. These appear on the genetalia, in the anal area, internally in the upper vagina or cervix, and in the male cervix. The lesions are raised and pink in color. No symptoms are witnessed by the patient there is no itching or burning sensation or any pain during sexual intercourse or during urination. Kondilomi is caused by the human papillomavirus (HPV). Most of the sexually transmitted diseases are caused by the HPV. This virus I known to infect many cells but the appearance of visible warts may take several years, that too when the immune system is suppressed. Kondilomi can cause extreme psychological stress and the people who suffer from them can be a victim of guilt and embarrassment. Genital cancers and HPV have been found to have some kind of link which is why it considered extremely important to practice safe sex.

As soon as a woman reaches puberty she is able to give birth to a child. The condition of carrying one or more off springs in the uterus of a female is known as trudnoca (or pregnancy). Multiple gestations are possible as in the case of twins or triplets. The total gestation period of humans is 38 weeks from conception. Ultrasound pictures are a result of sound waves. Ultrasound machines are used to send sound waves through the body, which upon reflection produce an image on the screen. Ultrazvuk trudnoca (Ultrasound during pregnancy) has revolutionized women care during trudnoca. Many fetal abnormalities are investigated, and taken care of via ultrazvuk trudnoca.