10 Things To Consider When Choosing A Home-Based-Business

Jun 17


William Carpenter

William Carpenter

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With so many Home Based Businesses out there, Here's 10 things to look at to separate the weak from the strong.


Since I have been in the network marketing business,10 Things To Consider When Choosing A Home-Based-Business Articles I have noticed one thing always stands out. In all of the thousands of home based businesses out there. They all seem to have the same claims. They offer the best of everything.... Thousands of dollars... The ease of the sell.... and of course the dream of being your own boss, working your own hours, and "financial freedom". There are things to consider when choosing which one will fit all of your needs and goals. Here are 10 things you may want to take a look at before you jump into the "best new thing" out there.

1) TIMING - Is everyone still after this product? Is there still a lot of room for growth?

2) THE COMPANY - Is the company recognized? Is the company creditable?

3) THE PRODUCT - Is it something that people need? Is it something that people will want? How hard is it going to be to sell this product?

4) THE COMPENSATION PLAN - How do you get paid? Will the time vs income be worth it?

5) SIMPLICITY - How hard is it going to be to manage my business? Are there inventories? Am I going to be overloaded with billing and paperwork? What about daily, weekly, or even monthly deliveries?

6) AFFORDABILITY - Can you afford to start this business? Can my potential customers afford this product?

7) THE MARKET PLAN - Do they have a great plan for growth? Does their plan for growth help you in yoursearch for growth?

8) THE FUTURE- Is this product a fad? Where do you see this product in a year, 5 years, or longer? Will it standthe test of time? Can you sell your business later, or at least will your business to a loved one?

9) THE TOOLS - What tools does the company provide to help you to help you achieve your goals? Do they offertraining? Do they have a support system in place? What about help with marketing yourproduct?

10) BELIEF - Do you believe you can be successful at this? Whether you are doing this to help your spouse out,a little bill money, or just wanting to call your boss up and tell him "Good Bye". You have to set goals for yourself and be able to "buckle down" and get them. If you understand that it is going totake some time and sacrifice just like any business starting out, then you are ready.