Do People Make A Living With Home Based Businesses?

Sep 25


Marl K. Atkins

Marl K. Atkins

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Statistical evidence that millions of people are in fact making a good living working at home in their own business.


You may be wondering whether or not normal,Do People Make A Living With Home Based Businesses? Articles reasonable people actually make a living by working at home. If so, you are among a quickly growing number.

Since the catastrophic event that took place on September 11, 2001 our economy has undergone drastic changes. International technologies such as the Internet have caused the beginning of a world wide 'economic leveling'. These technologies have also provided opportunities to work at home that were never before available. In the last few years the price of gas and oil has sky rocketed, making the commute to and from work very expensive. Yes, many people are looking for alternative ways to make a living and the prospect of working at home is becoming more and more popular.

How many people work at home? We can't say exactly but according to IDC, a top national research firm, as of the year 2002, over 20 million home based businesses existed in the U.S. Various surveys have indicated that the number of home based businesses will continue to increase dramatically for at least the next 5 years.
An article in Newsweek Magazine (2002) projected that by the year 2005 50% of the households in the US would be involved in some form of home based business.

Reports from many sources over the last 5 years indicate that families with home based businesses make substantially more money than employees.
A survey conducted by IDC indicated that the average income for home office households was $63,000 in 2002. Now that number is undoubtedly higher.

Yes, literally millions of people are working at home, are self employed and are making more money than the average employee. The number of home based businesses is growing rapidly and will continue to grow over the next few years.