Home Office Storage Tips

Mar 24


Colin McDonald

Colin McDonald

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An untidy office is often an unproductive office. If you have a messy desk and office the chances are you will lose hours of potential work time by just losing things and then spending time trying to find them again.

An untidy office is often an unproductive office. If you have a messy desk and office the chances are you will lose hours of potential work time by just losing things and then spending time trying to find them again.   You will be amazed at how much extra work you can achieve just from being a little bit more tidy minded. There are a few essentials to help you with storage that will keep your office in a tidy state.   Storage   So look around you office and remove anything that you haven’t used in the last 6 months. Chances are you don’t it use for a reason,Home Office Storage Tips Articles whatever its purpose was has now become obsolete. Either place it in a bin bag or mark it for a permanent move to the loft or garage. The only things that are left should be those that have a purpose.   Wires   Extension leads and wires everywhere is the curse of many of small office space.  Where ever you can go wireless, this small chance will have a dramatic chance on your office desk. It will all of a sudden fell much larger and spacious.   Less is more   All-in-one. Lots of equipment these days can be handled by one device. Printer and scanner are common place and will save you plenty of desk space.  If you can invest in a method of allowing you to hang your PC box from under your desk. This will give you extra desk space and not impact your floor space.  There are plenty of computer brackets available.   Do you really need to reserve space on your desk for your fax machine, your PC can handle this for you f you still use faxes. Or if not may I introduce you to a new toll called e-mail!   Behind closed doors   If you find parting with some of your files and equipments too much to bear then to keep the space feeling uncluttered consider buying a storage cabinet that allows you keep them behind a storage / screen. This should help you to stay focused as there will be less visual distractions in the room.  

Go Paperless

Consider digital storage. Invest in some good quality hard drives and transfers documents onto your computer and arrange for these the backed up daily. For one off fees you can arrange for a company to go through your paper documents and convert them into digital copies for you. From looking on a search engine today there are plenty of companies prepared to do this for you for a very reasonable price. It will certainly save you hours of work.   This way you can get rid of old filing, or even if it is a just going forward you will be paperless it will stop the paper mountain in your office growing.