Realities of Success, Failure and Working From Home

May 22


Murray Hughes

Murray Hughes

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Getting Started At Home in Your Very Own Business


Part 1 – The Realities Of Success,Realities of Success, Failure and Working From Home Articles Failure & Working.From.Home

First, let me say *congratulations* on deciding to take lifeinto your control.

You are so close to being the richest person in the family,the wealthiest person in your group of friends, the workerall the other slaves will talk about with awe andadmiration long after you have retired to become the Boss.

I‘m not kidding.

There is an awesome power contained within you that canshoot you to the stars. It will bring you the wealth,happiness and freedom normally shared by a group of peoplecombined, not usually enjoyed by only ONE.

Does this mean I’m telling you to have more by others havingless? Absolutely not!

Most people exist on the scraps and leftovers, not thebounty life intends you to enjoy. But fear pushes theminto a half-life. Fear of having less ‘relax’ time, fear ofnot doing what’s expected of them, fear of trying andfailing, fear of hard work.

But don’t you agree.. working for someone else sucks bigtime?

I really don’t like people telling me what I have to do nextor that I didn’t do it well enough or that I can go tolunch in 10 minutes. Life holds so much more than that, whywalk to the beat of someone else’s drum?

Once you begin to live the dream of being 'The Master OfYour Life', you will look at all the other 9 to 5 slaves,toiling away unappreciated to make someone else rich, andshake your head in disbelief.

“Why do they do it? Why do they live life only halfachieved, only partially fulfilled?”

Believe me, once you see things from my side of the fence,you won't be able to work for someone else again. I refuseto do it, I won't go back.

Make your dreams come true and you will feel the same, Ipromise!

Here’s a little about me..

My name is Murray Hughes and I’ve been building my ownbusiness since April 2003. Starting from scratch, withabsolutely zero experience, I wasted heaps of dollars andeven more time.

But my persistence has paid off and now each and everymonth, thousands of dollars find their way into my bankaccount as a direct result of my Internet businesses.

Don’t let “Internet Businesses” put you off. I know afterreading that when I first started out, I would have thought– ‘This guy is obviously way out of my league, I mean he’stalking =businesses= for pete’s sake! I just want to add afew hundred dollars to my bottom line.’

Well let me be the first to tell you I’m no rocket scientistnor some naturally talented business guru. In fact, basedon my record I may even be business impaired ;-).

But I do have an abundance of something that will overcomeany inadequacies you or anyone else may have.


Being persistent means working hard on a regular basis andnot letting any obstacle stop you. Sure some obstacles mayslow you down or even bring you to a halt for a period oftime, but if you keep working and learning – failure isimpossible.

Failure can be reduced to a single split-second moment.. doyou know when that is?

It’s the moment you give up.

FAILURE – The decision to give up and QUIT FOR GOOD

Sure, obstacles, or mini-failures, will be frequent. Heck,nearly everything I have tried online has been a completeflop. But I never for a moment thought of giving up.

Instead, I understood my mini-failure was another way to NOTdo things. And often, with a bit of re-thinking andre-application, a mini-failure can be turned around andbecome a champion.

So let me finish up by saying what my own experience hasproved to me

‘Succeeding in your very own business won’t be easy,especially in the beginning. It will take many hours ofworking and learning.’


‘If you are truly, really persistent, success in your veryown business is 100% inevitable, 100% unavoidable and willbe enormous.’

Imagine your dream, think of it often, smile to yourself inknowing that it is inevitable and start your unhaltingmarch toward it. Its waiting for you to arrive!

Until next time, remember persistence pays off – BIG TIME.Your FriendMurray Hughes007 Work From Home

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