Reason #3 of 10 Reasons Why I Wanted to Learn How to Make Money Online

Nov 6


Roger DeReu

Roger DeReu

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Would you like to have the freedom and the finances to take a nice vacation when you need it? Do you ever dream on working online at home after quitting your day job? Here is reason #3 why I wanted to learn how to make money online and where you can go to find the same solution I used.

This article is #3 in a series of 10 reasons why I wanted to learn how to make money online. You can check out reason #2 here.Working hard and making good money is somewhat of a reward in itself. You can push yourself harder and harder,Reason #3 of 10 Reasons Why I Wanted to Learn How to Make Money Online Articles reduce the amount of time "wasted" sleeping, and you can eat while driving to maximize your work output.Naturally, as you make more money you find that the governments let you keep less and less of the increase. So as the incentive decreases it becomes harder to ignore the physiological stresses on your body and you wear down; even burn out.All the work I performed and got paid for made my clients even more reliant on me, though, so taking a vacation was pretty much out of the question. What if something happened while I was gone?I finally realized that if I could learn how to make money online I could start disentangling myself from the day to day affairs of clients that was holding me back from taking much needed time off and getting away.My clients would always tell me when they were going to be out of town; there was a little bit higher reliance on me when that occurred because they would not be there to solve simple problems.I would hear of long weekends to Cancun - just to get a way and unwind, as if I had any idea what that meant. After a while it sure sounded good, though.A couple of clients took their wives to Hawaii for their 25th wedding anniversary, just like my dad took my mom on theirs. Not for me and my wife, though, our 25th came and went with little fanfare and no getaway.This had to end.I know I am not supposed to be covetous of other people's lives or opportunities, but fair is fair. If I work hard and make enough, should I not get to take vacations too? I mean, a vacation where I do not have to feel my heart leap into my throat if my cell phone should ring while away?When you make money online, YOU decide what your schedule is. What hours you work, which days you work are all entirely up to you. Not your boss, not your clients, not the calendar.YOU!And if you are successful making money online then you can take a vacation knowing that you will continue to make money while you are away; unlike my offline business which ceases to make a dime as soon as I stop working.People sometimes ask if I play golf. I tell them yes, but I have not played since I worked for someone else over 15 years ago. Now it is just too expensive to give up 4 or 5 hours of revenue working plus greens fees and maybe a cart. Not to mention an overpriced beverage or two.Are you caught in a work trap just like I was? Freedom awaits you; why not read more of the 10 reasons why I wanted to learn how to make money online and find out the answer to the kind of freedom I found and how you can do enjoy the same online success that could let you quit your day job.Watch a couple of videos and see how you can break free of the rat race starting right away. The address is