The One Skill You Must Have for Creating A Profitable Home Based Business

Aug 17


Michael S Hutchins

Michael S Hutchins

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This article will reveal the most important skill needed by home based business owners.


Home based business is the direction that so many former employees of corporations are moving toward these days. High gas prices and lengthy commutes are pushing people over the edge toward working at home. While former employees often have skills that they have developed while working for someone else, The One Skill You Must Have for Creating A Profitable Home Based Business Articles many times they are lacking the one key skill necessary to make their business successful.

Home based businesses are not traditional "brick and mortar" businesses. I know that sounds obvious, but it is amazing how many new home business owners forget that fact. In "brick and mortar" retail businesses, the key to success is "location, location, location."Not so when working out of your home.

Do Not Simply Fish, Learn To Catch Fish

Because location is not a factor, the key skill a home worker must have is learning to market. The first step is to clearly identify the target market of your business. Next, determine the methods of advertising most appropriate for reaching that target market. To effectively do that, an advertising budget must be determined. Trying to advertise without a pre-set budget is a formula for disaster!

Reading books on marketing is a good solution for former employees who have no marketing experience. Business consultants can also be a useful resource, particularly if their specialty is teaching small business owners how to market, Books by Jay Conrad Levinson are excellent resources for marketing knowledge. Mike Klingler is also an excellent trainer, particularly marketing to the social networks.

I believe that learning to market using the Internet, is the home based business owner's "ace in the hole."Google offers local searches that can target local businesses. If your business is more national or global in nature, the Internet is an amazing resource for tapping in to the global marketplace. The social networking websites allow people to network for free all over the world! No other advertising source allows a home based business owner such leverage.

Home Based Business Leaders Are Readers

In addition to a knowledge of marketing, home based business owners should acquire basic copywriting skills. I would suggest grabbing as many books on copywriting as you can, and read ALL of them. Study the writing of marketers such as Yanik Silver, Dan Kennedy, David Garfinkel and Mike Morgan, just to name a few.

Ride The Wave Right Now!

Individuals just getting started in home based business must jump on the Internet "bandwagon" right now. Home business owners are always looking to build their bussinesses the easy way and they must realize that advertiisng on the Internet is the "wave of the future", that is happening right now! Believe me, the competition understands the power of the Internet, so do not delay!