Clean Out Your Kitchen Before You Move

Apr 17


Micko Stojanovic

Micko Stojanovic

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When changing houses you will have to go over each room a number of times. At first you will need to catalogue all of the items in every room if you are purchasing moving insurance, or if a professional moving company will be conducting your move for you.

When changing houses you will have to go over each room a number of times. At first you will need to catalogue all of the items in every room if you are purchasing moving insurance,Clean Out Your Kitchen Before You Move Articles or if a professional moving company will be conducting your move for you. You will find that you must also work through each room at a time and choose which of your belongings you will take on the move with you, and which ones will have to be thrown out, given away or sold. Then you will need to go through every room again, so that you can pack all of your stuff safely into boxes. As soon as you have moved your belongings out of each room you will need to make sure the rooms are cleaned, which you can do yourself or you can hire cleaners to do it for you. Obviously you must clean out your kitchen before you move also, which can be a large and time consuming job.
As previously stated, the first step when moving is to check through all of your possessions and then make up your mind as to what you would like to do with each one. When looking at a kitchen, you will generally have a considerable amount of portable appliances that you will generally want to bring to your new residence. Although toasters, grills and the like will usually fit comfortably into boxes, you should seriously think before moving large appliances with you, in particular extremely heavy ones. This is a matter of some importance if you will be crossing broders or if a professional moving firm will be carrying out the move. Lorries that travel over interstate borders will have their weight routinely checked in order to make sure that they are not exceeding regulatory limits. Therefore if you want to take bulky appliances on your move your moving professionals will charge more as more vans will be required. If you prefer to negotiate the move on your own you will have to organise a method of moving these appliances yourself, which may result in you having to drive between your old and new residences quite a few times. In a case where you are the owner of some large appliances, you could consider selling them, or it is possible for you to dump them if they are not new. This could end up being the cheapest and less complicated option.
A key issue with kitchens is preserving and storing food. In the weeks leading up to your move, try to organise your shopping so that you buy less food. Where appropriate organise meals that will require foodstuffs that can be stored in a kitchen for a long period of time, e.g. spices and preservatives. This will mean that you won’t have to throw them out or take them with you. You should also don’t get any food that you can’t fully use prior to leaving the home, as again there is a good chance that you will have to throw them away. Most importantly, decide on the meals for your final week in advance, so that you will have eaten everything in your freezer prior to moving. Before it is time to leave, you must clean out your kitchen before you move. This is actually a lot of work, even in homes that are well maintained, and you might want to look into a cleaning service who can take care of this for you.