Plumbing Tips That Every Homeowner Can Use

Jun 1


Ace Abbey

Ace Abbey

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To learn more about plumbing tips that every one that owns a home should know, continue reading this informative article.

You don’t have to be a graduate of the local plumbing academy to take care of your pipes and faucets. Though you may need to call out a professional in times of trouble,Plumbing Tips That Every Homeowner Can Use Articles every homeowner should be versed in some basic tips and techniques that will keep the water bill low and the washing machine running when everything else is in order. Even if you aren’t handy with a wrench, here are some tips that can keep the local plumber away for another day.

Get your tap water tested. Even if everything tastes fine, it’s a good idea to test your tap water on a yearly basis to make sure the chlorine levels remain low. Not only can it cause problems when it comes to drinking and cooking, but even showering in a high chlorine water on a regular basis can cause issues with your skin. There are some over the counter test kits that will let you do this, but for best results you should have a professional come out and do the job.

Keep your water heater maintained. A good water heater should last for many years. If you want to get the best performance out of it, however, you should get some plumbing experts out to the house once a year and make sure it’s in good working order. If it isn’t working properly or if it isn’t set to the right temperature, it can cost you a bundle in wasted money and can even lead to Legionnaire’s Disease. 

Watch for leaks. Leaky plumbing isn’t always in your face. Take a glance at the area around the base of the toilet, around the seal of the tub, and in other areas where hidden leaks could be occurring. An excess of water on the floor could cause major structural problems, costing you a fortune if you let it go for too long. Not to mention the fact that it offers mold a primary growing opportunity.

Finally, if you have a plumbing emergency, don’t hesitate to call someone out. You can easily make things worse if you attempt to fix the problem yourself without the skill and knowledge necessary to do the work. There are no two ways about it: plumbers can be expensive. However, not calling one when one is needed could easily be much more expensive. Remember that your home is your biggest investment. Sometimes you have to do some costly maintenance to retain that investment.