Rodents in Your Home? It’s time to Contact Exterminators

Dec 7


Janet Jhon

Janet Jhon

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Exterminators will also know where and how to set the most effective traps or put out the most effective poisons to eliminate rodent infestations. hat has rats and mice almost always has food that has been contaminated by rodent urine, droppings, and parasites.

Rodents,Rodents in Your Home? It’s time to Contact Exterminators Articles particularly mice and rats, are a part of Tucson life. The climate, terrain, and geography of Tucson provide a perfect habitat for them. However, rodents and humans do not make good housemates. Besides being a disgusting nuisance, rodents present serious dangers when they are present in your home Rodents are known to carry all kinds of germs and diseases. When they leave their droppings and urine on surfaces in your home, they are also depositing those germs. In addition, they can also carry parasites that are harmful to humans and those get left behind as well. Like all mammals, mice and rats are susceptible to mites, ticks, and fleas. Rodents carry these into the home exposing humans and their pets to all of the diseases that these can carry. And, because rodents tend to be extremely adept at getting into human food sources, that means that a Tucson house that has rats and mice almost always has food that has been contaminated by rodent urine, droppings, and parasites.

Health issues are not the only concern; rodents can also damage your home. They will eat away at insulation, gnaw on support beams, and can even chew through wires and tubing around your heating and air conditioning sources. Tucson winters are fairly mild, but no one wants to try to turn on the heat on the coldest night of the year only to find that an important safety hose has been chewed through by a rat, rendering the unit inoperable.

When people discover that they have rodents in their home, they often try to take care of the problem themselves with store-bought traps from their local Tucson area grocer. If the problem is an isolated rodent or two, traps may be effective. However, one of the problems with the mechanical snap traps is that the rodent can often grab the bait without engaging the trap. Many people can end up feeding a whole retinue of mice in this way without ever catching one. Some people turn to glue traps in order to catch mice or rats. However, those often prove ineffective, as well, because large mice and rats can simply tear free of the glue leaving behind only clumps of fur on the trap. Even when the trap holds the rodent, many times the rodent will chew off the trapped appendage and still go free.

Because of all of these difficulties in trapping and killing rodents, professional pest exterminators are the most reliable way to deal with your mouse or rat problem. Exterminators can examine your home to discover where the rodents have been and how they are entering your house. Exterminators have the expertise to know exactly what signs to look for and how to effectively seal off any entry ways. Exterminators will also know where and how to set the most effective traps or put out the most effective poisons to eliminate rodent infestations.

If you have a rodent problem in your home, save yourself time and effort and get rid of the problem by contacting professional exterminators today.