Water Conservation - One Leak Can Make a Difference

Jan 11


Jay Rakestraw

Jay Rakestraw

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Are there really things that we can do to make a difference in conserving our planet's limited water supply? If you feel like your actions are not important, this article is for you. Read on to learn about the very real environmental impact of something as simple as a single dripping faucet.


Water conservation may feel to some like a gargantuan issue that is beyond one's control. But the truth of the matter is,Water Conservation - One Leak Can Make a Difference Articles water conservation is really about doing a lot of little things that add up to make a significant difference. And there really are many small things that we can do to make a difference in conserving our planet's water supply. So, If you are one of the naysayers who feel like your actions are just a tiny, insignificant drop in the ocean, this article is for you. To illustrate the point, let's take a look at the impact of something that may seem inconsequential at first glance but isn't, a dripping faucet.

A small drip from a faucet, something that at first blush may seem like a trivial issue, can add up to make a huge impact either positive or negative depending on whether people take appropriate action. Unfortunately, most people never give a second thought to conservation until they hear about water restrictions on the local news.

Most people are very surprised to find out that households in the United States waste over a trillion gallons of water every year due to leaks in our homes. To many people, this just sounds like a big number, but let's put this in perspective. A leak at your home can waste in excess of 10,000 gallons of water in a single year. This is enough water to fill up a swimming pool.

Without repairing the leak, that is a swimming pool of water wasted year after year. So why do people often ignore the leaks? Probably because they have not been informed of the impact. When one sees a dripping faucet, they see a few drops of water, not an entire swimming pool filled from their leaking faucet or tap. This is an area where knowledge truly is powerful. Imagine if everyone fixed all of the leaks in their homes. The impact would be phenomenal. The next time you are visiting a friend or neighbor and see a dripping faucet, do not ignore the problem, take a moment to educate your friends, neighbors, and family about the environmental impact.

If you need a little more incentive to get those dripping faucets repaired, some estimates put an annual cost of up to $100 on the water cost of each and every leak in a home. Now the true cost is variable depending on the severity of the leak and the cost of water service in your local area, but we can all agree that the cost is significant in both dollars and environmental impact.

Now that you have read this article, there are no more excuses. Get your leaks repaired and educate others when you see leaky faucets in your friend's and family's homes. There are any number of articles and videos out there on the internet that can show one how to perform these repairs, or there is always the option of using a local plumbing contractor. If you choose to use a plumber to make these repairs, be sure to use one that is licensed and insured!