WaterSense Faucets Save

Sep 20


Jay Rakestraw

Jay Rakestraw

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If you are looking to replace a bathroom faucet, get one with the WaterSense label. You will be getting an EPA certified product that has been certified as proven to save water and money.


Whether you are motivated by environmental responsibility or just want to save money,WaterSense Faucets Save Articles there are many excellent ways that you can save water in your home while performing your daily activities. And, saving water means that we will be saving money. One such very practical option available to homeowners is the installation of WaterSense faucets for your bathroom sinks. These efficient fixtures can reduce water flow by as much as thirty percent.

WaterSense is the program sponsored by the US Environmental Protection Agency modeled after the very successful EnergyStar program. By having a WaterSense logo, consumers can be assured that the appliances and plumbing fixtures meet the  EPA goals of saving water and operating at a high level of environmental standards. We all know that water is critical for the earth and everything living on it. While it may seem like there is an abundance of water, the fact is less than one percent of the water on the planet is available for our use.

By installing these WaterSense rated fixtures in your bathroom, you can save a lot of water without changing anything that you currently do and you will have the same quality of performance that you are accustomed to receiving. Of course, if you want to make changes to some bad habits, you can achieve much greater water savings. One such habit that some people have is letting the water run while they brush their teeth. This may seem like a small things but the EPA estimates that a person will waste up to 3000 gallons of water a year by doing so.

What can you expect to gain from using WaterSense rated faucets in your home? An overall savings of about 5% of your entire annual water usage. That's a lot of water. The EPA arrives at this number after having determined that 15% or more of a household's water usage is from faucets. Then since these devices can cut the usage from your faucets by a third, we get the annual savings estimate of close to 5%. According to the EPA this 5% equates to over 500 gallons of water that could be saved annually by the typical family.

Now imagine that everyone was using these faucets and imagine the savings that could be obtained. In fact, the EPA has said that Americans could, collectively, save as much as sixty billion gallons of water annually by installing these fixtures. But the water savings isn't the only benefit to be gained. By lowering the amount of water being used, we are lowering the amount of hot water being used in our homes. And by reducing the amount of hot water being used, we lower our energy costs.

So, if you are considering replacing an existing faucet within your home, be sure to purchase one that is WaterSense rated. You will be doing your part to conserve our water supply as well as saving money every month on your water and electric (or gas) bills. And we all enjoy saving money, right?