What can an electronic water descaler do for me?

Sep 17


James Brack

James Brack

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There are many benefits from having an electronic water descaler fitted in your home. This article provides reasons why it is something that all families should consider as an addition to their home safety plan.


So what is an electronic water descaler?
An electronic water descaler deals with limescale deposits caused by hard water,What can an electronic water descaler do for me? Articles which effects approximately 60% of homes in the UK. Other methods such as magnetic descalers, and ion exchange softeners, can be expensive and ineffective in comparison.

The Benefits

  • Effectively reduce “scum” within baths and sinks.
  • Softens water with using chemical.
  • Low cost solution.
  • Helps to maintain pipe-work within the house, including boilers, storage tanks, radiators, showers, washing machines.
  • Easy to fit. No moving parts.
  • Low level maintenance.
  • Indicates internal or external system faults.
  • Has no adverse effect on the the chemical composition of the water.
  • Enjoy the benefits of softer water, e.g. kinder to skin.
  • Avoids using environmentally damaging cleaning materials.
  • Heating costs are reduced by avoiding the use of more fuel as flow is reduced by limescale.

How soon will I notice the benefits

As soon as it is installed the unit will begin to soften the water and prevent further build up of limescale from occurring. Deposits that have built up over many years take longer to eliminate, but will disappear as softer water passes through the pipes. It can take months to eliminate limescale deposits, but when you consider some of these have taken decades to build up, it is a relatively quick process.

For more information about electronic water descalers visit Electrostore Online. You will also find information about conservatory vent controllers, blanket weed controllers, and PH soil meters.