Article Marketing-2 Very Different Methods for Online Business Promotion

Jun 25


Terry Legaleto

Terry Legaleto

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Most people who have been online for any period of time recognise that article marketing is a very effective method by which to generate traffic and income in your online business. But there is some disagreement as to the best strategy to adopt..

Article marketing is very effective,Article Marketing-2 Very Different Methods for Online Business Promotion Articles cost efficient and stands the test of time as your articles will provide visitors and back links long into the future.

But there is a growing number of people who use their resource boxes in completely different ways. The first and larges group do what you would imagine is the most obvious way of writing their resource box. This involves writing an article based on the keywords that they are trying to rank for in Google and this is carried on into their resources box with their links based around the key words that they are targeting.

This is a tried and trusted method but it has one flaw and it is this-the article you write may very well rank on the first page of Google and your site could be ranking at number 11, on the next page of the search engine results. This means that your article, your work on somebody elses article directory, is keeping your site off the first page of Google.

The other minority body of opinion uses a different technique. They write articles not on the niche that they are trying to get their site ranked for, but in another niche altogether. This niche would be in a popular area with a lot of webmasters looking for content for their blogs.

By writing the article on a popular heavily searched topic you are more likely to get your article published in more locations and consequently your backlinks will be greater. Now these backlinks will be pointing to your blog thus increasing it’s chances of ranking well..without the fear of your own article keeping you off the first page of results. Because remember your article is written on a completely different topic from the niche which your blog is in.

These are the two different approaches that you can adopt and maybe it is worth your while to try some articles using both approaches and see what works best for you.

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