Volcanically Erupt Your Online Newsletter, Ezine or e-course Opt-Ins in No Time Flat

May 19


Matt Bacak

Matt Bacak

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Dear ... you ever wondered why the big name gurus have tons of raging fans and big ... they have a special website that squeezes the name and email address out of people and builds the


Dear Friend,

Have you ever wondered why the big name gurus have tons of raging fans and big lists?

Well,Volcanically Erupt Your Online Newsletter, Ezine or e-course Opt-Ins in No Time Flat Articles they have a special website that squeezes the name and email address out of people and builds their list of hot, rabid subscribers.

The average person on the Internet believes this myth: You can only have one website.

Not true, let me break this myth for you. If you want to volcanically erupt your subscribers then you *must* have another site called a 'Power
Squeeze' site.

(The only purpose of this site is for people to give you their name, email address and anything else that you want them to provide, that's it.)

Here is an example of Matt's Power Squeeze site: http://www.unlimited-leads.com

Keep your other site, but make another one with the sole purpose of viewers signing up for your newsletter, ezine or e-course.

Then use the same strategies to get people to this site that you are using to market your other site.

If you don't know how to do that, don't worry I can certainly help because this is my specialty.

Till next time,

Matt Bacak
The Powerful Promoter

P.S. I'm turning Authors, Speakers, and Experts into overnight success stories, You want to be next? Go to my website http://www.powerfulpromoter.com and sign up for my ezine.