Websites that offer free gifts are in fact genuine. Here is the proof...

Nov 21




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Read this article before you start spending loads of money on Christmas gifts, there really is a way you can get gifts for FREE. I will help explain how it all works. For further information and proof visit my website (


Everyone likes the idea of getting something for free,Websites that offer free gifts are in fact genuine.  Here is the proof... Articles but in this day and age, nothing is for free - right? Well I certainly didn't believe you could get "owt for nowt" up until a few months ago when I came across a very interesting web site offering free gifts. Yes, that right FREE gifts, and not just any old cheap and nasty free gift, this website was offering expensive free stuff including Nintendo Wii, Ipod Touch,HD TV, Digital Camera and much more!

Let me introduce you to the world of Referral Marketing. Its very straight forward and doesn't cost you a penny. Continue reading and it will soon become apparent how websites like these work and that they do in fact offer a real and genuine scheme. If you get started now you could receive your gift in time for Christmas!

My boyfriends 30th was approaching and I had no cash to buy anything decent so I found what this web site had to offer very tempting. It offered free gifts to anyone that followed the 3 simple steps below:

1. Register your details with the referral Webster (for free).

2. Sign up for one of the offers advertised on the Webster.

3. Refer others to do the same.

For example:

1. Register your details (for free) with the referral web site. No bank card details are taken, only your address so that they no where to send the gift!!

2. Sign up for the Love Film offer (2 week free trial no obligation).

3. Tell friends and family about the referral web site and get them to register too. You manage to get 8 referrals which will entitle you to a free wii.

4. Receive your gift in the post.

It all seemed too good to be true but I did I bit of research and discovered that it was genuine with no hidden catch. These referral web sites had been up and running in the US for some time and were now in the UK. After being convinced that it wasn't a scam I followed the steps and soon after I received a free Nintendo Wii which I gave to my boyfriend for his birthday.

So how can they give away stuff for free? Referral marketing involves a referral web site that will advertise various company offers and encourage people to sign up for these offers and then to recommend their friends to sign up too, by offering the incentive of free gifts. Advertisers are very happy to pay good money for potential customers, and it is this money which the Referral Web site uses to pay for your free gift and also keep a little profit for themselves of course. So, everyone's a winner!!

I couldn't believe it actually worked, and have since spread the word to friends and family and anyone that will listen on how to get free stuff. As some of the people I have spread the word to have also signed up from my referral, I am now on my way to getting a free LCD TV as there is NO LIMIT on how much free stuff you can get.

The only difficulty has been convincing people that it is genuine and I have encountered a lot of cynicism as people find it difficult to believe you can get 'owt for nowt' and always seem to think there's a catch. This is why I have now made it my mission to spread the word. Give it a go, you have nothing to lose.