A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Clean Your Record

Nov 20


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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Contact a criminal defense attorney if old criminal charges are holding you back in life. Your lawyer will to try and get old crimes erased off your record. Read on to learn more about your options.

Hiring a criminal defense attorney you feel will fight for you is crucial. Most people who get accused of committing a crime never intended on breaking the law. The most common cases are simply good people making mistakes. People get caught drinking and driving,A Criminal Defense Attorney Can Clean Your Record Articles they get caught with drugs, the find themselves in heated arguments where wrongful actions were expressed all the time. Most small crimes are categorized as misdemeanors, but when you are represented improperly you can be charged and convicted of felony charges. When you have a criminal record, your life is compromised.

If you have a criminal record that shows felony charges, this will have adverse effects on your life. It will hurt your ability to secure gainful employment, as employers will judge your character based on the background check. Employers regularly perform background checks and immediately reject your application based on any sort of criminal record. This also hurts attempts to successfully apply for loans. Financial institutions will not approve of car loans, personal loans, or mortgages. You may also have trouble finding a place to live. Landlords may have strict policies that make it impossible for you to live where you choose. Even education institutions from universities to technical schools may reject your application based on a criminal record. A simple drug possession charge, a DUI, or other mistake you made could affect every aspect of your life.

A criminal defense attorney can help you get your life back on track and clear your criminal record. With their help, you can explore your options of expunction or nondisclosure. Expunction is the legal term that has criminal charges erased from your records as if they never existed. It basically gives you a completely clean slate. Your records are completely cleared so you can fully move on with your life.

This is only available in a limited number of cases, so you can also explore nondisclosure. Nondisclosure means that your records are not erased, but they would not be available by public record. If you can successfully keep these records out of the public record, then no background check would be able to access them. With a nondisclosure, you would also be able to continue on with your life with no adverse affects. Your record would only be accessible to law enforcement and probably not even accessed unless another crime was committed.

You don't have to have a small mistake you made affect your quality of life forever. Whether the incident happened in the recent or far past, talk to a criminal defense attorney about your options. Legal fees will most likely be minimal as they are mostly handled outside of a courtroom. You have nothing to lose and all to gain.