Accuracy of Social Security Number Lookup

Apr 26


Jeremy Weegle

Jeremy Weegle

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There is a popular belief that when you know somebody's name and a few details about him like age and the place of birth you will be able to lookup the person accurately. Unfortunately, due to the fact that there are no unique names in the United States this cannot be true. Millions of people share the same names and which is obvious can share the same date as well as places of birth. That's a fact you can't deny. This is why lookup companies wanted to come up with a solution which is much more accurate and let's you find the exact one person you're looking for.


Their idea was to use SSN as a criteria for searches. Social Security Numbers consist of 9 digits and are completely unique. Each person which is born or comes to United Sates is given his very own personal SSN. Such number can be changed with the help of some sophisticated procedures which are usually applied in the case of identity theft but there is no chance that two people share the same SSN. This is why such a number is an excellent criteria to lookup a person accurately.

SSN number lookups are the most comprehensive checks and results retrieved by a single investigation can yield many details about the person. These are but not only full name,Accuracy of Social Security Number Lookup Articles age, sex, previous addresses, marriage, police, arrest, courts and criminal records. Very often it will be possible to retrieve information on the person's bankruptcies, liens and judgements. If the subject of your search is businessman or a property owner, you will be able to get you all information about them.

To perform a SSN lookup you will need a person's last name. Although it's not necessary, because SSNs are unique, it is required for privacy reasons. SSN companies must abide by strict rules when it comes to dealing with social security numbers.

What you should bear in mind when performing any lookup is that you shouldn't use it for any unlawful purposes. If you get caught during such activities it can get in big problems. In more severe cases, you can end up in jail, because issues associated to privacy are very strictly controlled.

Prices for performing a social security number lookup vary around $30 for a single search. Some companies offer a one year pass upon a small additional fee.