Hiring a Birth Injury Lawyer to Set Wrongs Right

May 25


Abraham Avotina

Abraham Avotina

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When a serious mistake happens during delivery, it can be devastating. If you're the parent of a child who suffered due to malpractice, you may want to contact a birth injury lawyer and review your options.

As a culture,Hiring a Birth Injury Lawyer to Set Wrongs Right Articles we celebrate the delivery of a newborn baby as an occasion for monumental joy and celebration. Scratching beneath the surface, however, it's quickly realized that not all such occasions are a cause for joy. Sometimes things go wrong, even under the best of circumstances. In some cases, defects and problems occur even when the level of medical care provided is impeccable. In other cases, however, a mistake made by the doctors and nurses can be the direct cause of a serious problem. When that happens, it can be devastating. If you're the parent of a child who suffered due to malpractice, you may want to contact a birth injury lawyer and review your options.


A birth injury lawyer is typically brought on board when a family wishes to sue a doctor, nurse, or medical center that caused a serious health problem through incompetence or negligence. Such an occurrence is rare, statistically speaking, with only approximately seven out of 1,000 babies being subject to such an occurrence. Still, considering how many babies are delivered every day in America, this still represents a significant number. The frustrating part of such occurrences is that they are often preventable. In some cases, the injuries sustained can be severe, permanent, and even life threatening.


As someone seeking medical care, you have a right to expect that you will be dealing with competent, expert physicians and nurses who will not create problems. In most cases, this is exactly what you'll get. What separates great doctors from the pack should be impeccable bedside manner and accessibility, not competence. Unfortunately, not all health care providers are created equally when it comes to skill or even dedication. When you find yourself in the hands of someone who isn't skilled enough to handle medical emergencies, it could have immediate, damaging effects. When it results in long term, devastating problems for your child, you need to seek out the counsel of a birth injury lawyer.


A birth injury lawyer will see all manner of cases come into his office. Some of the more common problems resulting from malpractice at the time of delivery can include cerebral palsy, Erb's palsy, brain bleeding, cellular death due to lack of oxygen, swelling in the brain, and more. Due to a moment's negligence, children can wind up with conditions they have to live with for the rest of their lives. Not only is this heartbreaking, it can be monstrously expensive. As a parent, you have a duty and a right to get compensation.