No need to fear a process server!

Feb 4




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Process servers or legal messengers are more like couriers. They are not intimidating or shouldn’t be as far as dignified service is concerned. The job is to pick up and deliver documents to the address provided at the direction of the hiring party...

Process servers or legal messengers are more like couriers. They are not intimidating or shouldn’t be as far as dignified service is concerned. The job is to pick up and deliver documents to the address provided at the direction of the hiring party. Mostly it is that simple,No need to fear a process server! Articles however there are times when a courier needs to be a bit creative though the use of props to get papers served. The reason for encasing documents in envelopes is not necessarily secrecy, but rather privacy. Process Servers are not in the business of berating defendants at their work by embarrassing them in front of employers or coworkers. Good reputable process servers specialize in dignified service which is about distributing documents in a quick low key manner.

Should you deliver papers yourself or have friends do this to save money! Maybe, but the fee is nominal at sixty five dollars to remove the familiarity element away from the process. Most servers nationwide are reasonable unless you live in a highly dense location. Save the berating of your loved ones by hiring a third party to get your docs served fast and on time without jeopardizing your case. Another metric to consider is what to do if the deponent is couch surfing or staying at an undisclosed location, how do you find this person! Process servers have become efficient at finding elusive defendants through the use of third party tools like skip tracing and sleuthing, usually for a fee of around 65 dollars. Sleuthing is a method used by servers to grab additional information using calculated questions and the art of silence through personal contact, email, and telecommunications.

How should you respond to a server! Legal documents are highly important to you, disclosing sensitive information about the details of your case. In order to effectively defend your position you need to know the specifics, without it your situation is fraught with risk. So, Time is of the essence in legal situations and refusing to receive legal documents or disregarding them at the time of service will not only cause a default judgment but may even subject you to jail time. Take the papers from the courier and respond to the action appropriately, either pro se of with the help of pre-paid legal or other representation.

You may never run in to a server or have the need for one but if you do remember that process servers are nothing more than couriers and if you try and attack one it is a felony not a misdemeanor, So like we always say don’t kill the messenger. If you are attempting to elude service or thwart the delivery by being evasive just remember servers know where you live, work, play, and pick up your kids from school. The likely hood of you being successful in evading service in the long run is unlikely, short term maybe! If the servers are not successful for some strange reason the opposing party may ask the judge for alternative service, the process of having your case posted publically in the local newspaper. The case will proceed to a default judgment and you might find yourself owing lots of money or even worse in jail.