Tulsa Divorce Lawyers - Choosing The High Road

Jun 14


Matthew Ingham

Matthew Ingham

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With regard to divorce, you and your ex can choose one of two approaches: you can choose to take the low road like a lot of divorcing spouses do or you can choose to take the high road which is much preferred...


With regard to divorce,Tulsa Divorce Lawyers - Choosing The High Road Articles you and your ex can choose one of two approaches:  you can choose to take the low road like a lot of divorcing spouses do or you can choose to take the high road which is much preferred. 

Practically speaking, you may not have a choice.  If your ex is an idiot who has a tendency to think with their emotions, then the low road may be chosen for you.   In this case, when your ex is an emotional basket case, regardless of how logical and level headed you are, your ex’s emotions will ultimately determine which approach is taken. 

If this is you, and your ex is going to drag you through the mud and the muck then we recommend that you do not be naïve.  We recommend that you go ahead and ‘lawyer up’ in order to make sure that your rights are protected and more importantly that your children’s rights are protected.

Shifting gears now, let’s talk about the high road.  Our purpose in writing this article is to encourage you to take the high road.  Below is a list of three benefits of taking the high road.  Our advice is that you read the list below and become familiar with it before you move forward.  By doing so, our hope is that you will be able to shorten the divorce process and thus save yourself a lot of headache and hassle. 

Benefit Number One:  Quicker Divorce.  For spouses who choose the low road, lawyers get hired, hearings and depositions get scheduled and the divorce turns into a ten month knock down, drag out fight.  That approach will end up costing the spouses tens of thousands of dollars in lawyer fees.   

The high road on the other consists of communicating with your ex, hashing out the terms of a final settlement agreement, and then hiring one divorce lawyer to draw up the final divorce papers.  This approach will end up costing the spouses about one thousand dollars in lawyer fees and the whole process from beginning to end will last only a few weeks.

Benefit Number Two:  A Smoother Transition.  Divorce in and of itself is hard enough.  Probably the hardest part about the divorce process is the transition.  Both spouses and the children have to make the adjustment from living in ONE marrIed home to living in separate single parent homes.  By choosing the high road, you and your ex will help make the transition phase a whole lot smoother.

Benefit Number Three:  Better Communication With Your Ex.  This is especially important whenever you and your ex have children together.  By choosing the high road, you and your ex are committing to finalizing the divorce without throwing mud at each other.   By not throwing mud at each other, the two of you are setting yourselves up for success with regard to future communication.