Why You Need an Auto Accident Attorney

Nov 20


Antoinette Ayana

Antoinette Ayana

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If you have been injured in a car accident you need the help of an auto accident attorney to safe guard your rights and ensure any settlement offers are going to cover your real loses.

Sigmund Freud may have theorized that there was no such thing as an accident when it came to things we say or do- but if you have been a victim of a car accident that wasn't your fault you may be even more convinced of this theory than Freud was.Most car accidents are caused by one of two things- either driver error or equipment failure - which does seem to give credence to Freud's theory about accidents.

If you have been injured in a car accident the first thing you should do is consult an auto accident attorney to help protect your rights as the victim of the accident. The other driver's insurance will generally launch their own investigation into the accident. They may try to prove that their client is not at fault or at least not entirely at fault in the accident. This can often feel like the company is attempting to shift the blame off of their client by shifting it onto you.
If you don't have an auto accident attorney to help you that shift may just cause you to experience additional stress and worry that you would never have to endure under the protection of an auto accident lawyer.

The next step most insurance companies take is to offer you a settlement offer that may sound good on paper but will likely be a low ball offer that will save the insurance company money but fail to look after your long term interest.
Consider what it will cost you financially if you are injured and can't work even for the short duration. Other than your lost wages you will also lose money on your immediate medical expenses and future medical expenses,Why You Need an Auto Accident Attorney Articles such as physical therapy that you may not foresee.

If you're a stay at home parent you may not suffer lost wages but that doesn't mean you won't endure some financial loss from your injuries. For example, you may have to hire someone to take on some of the duties you currently perform such as cooking, shopping, child care and carpooling. Or your spouse may have to take time off from work to do these duties and the loss of income you experience will be less direct but a loss of income none the less.

An auto accident attorney can help you understand what your real losses are and what type of long term losses you may experience such as ongoing medical care that impacts your ability to work. Only after doing a careful scrutiny of your losses should you even begin to consider any settlement offers.

Finally in addition to helping you negotiate a fair settlement offer from the other person's insurance company- an auto accident attorney can help you prove that there are no accidents. If the other driver violated the law such as running a light and which caused the accident, your attorney can use that information to help solidify your case and your claim for compensation.