3 Steps to Online Content Development

Sep 5


TJ Philpott

TJ Philpott

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Content development is a very important part of any online business that plans to grow and prosper. The endless need for fresh content in whatever form is a necessity when doing business on the internet. Read further to see discover a simple yet effective plan in which to develop and manage unique content for your business.


Content Development is not as scary as it may sound. In fact developing unique content to be used online is much easier then one would expect. By now most everybody has heard that 'content is king' on the internet. The seemingly endless need for fresh content is a 'demand' facing anyone who has any type of internet presence.

This need is particularly true if you have an online business that you want to grow.

What we're going to discuss here today is the simple process of finding,3 Steps to Online Content Development Articles developing, and distributing content on the internet.
Here's a simple 3 step content management system you can use to locate, develop, and distribute any content for whatever purposes you may have online today.

Content Search

Your first step is to locate sources of information from which you can gather and organize into usable content of your own. The best way to conduct your content search will be to check and see what the current trends are in your related field. What is it that has everybody's interest?

Here are some online tools you can use to check for the most current and popular trends. By simply entering keywords related to your field or business you can quickly find the most recent trends or searches.

a) Google Suggest
b) Google Trends
c) Google keyword tool
d) Twitter – a wonderful source of 'real time' search results
e) DogPile SpySearch – this tool does not require the use of keywords but instead is a 'rolling' list of current trends. Simply look for those that are related to your areas of interest.

Using the results you found from the above online sources you can now better refine your search for content that you know is popular.

Optimizing Your Content

After collecting the information you now need to pull it together into a flowing readable fashion. Also and just as important you will need to optimize this information for the internet. This is where you will choose the right keywords that best apply to your content and strategically make good use of them within the content itself.

Be careful that you don't overuse these words or phrases since it will not only disrupt the natural flow of your content but will also be viewed as keyword stuffing.

Be sure to make use of your primary keywords within the title and in the first and last paragraphs of your content.

Content Distribution

When considering the content distribution channels that you are going to use you need to decide whether you want to use this content in articles, press releases, blog posts, an ebook, or perhaps for a website. There are many avenues which you can take here but the choice is dependent upon what suits your needs the best.

As you can see to achieve whatever purpose you may have online requires proper content development. Your ability to continually circulate unique content is critical towards gaining exposure and maintaining an online identity. This is especially true for an online business that maintains a constant need for fresh content in order to grow and prosper. By implementing this simple 3 step content management system you'll always have an ample supply of unique and interesting content to use for your purposes.