5 Proven Methods for Internet Marketing Success

Sep 22


Bibi Liew

Bibi Liew

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These five proven methods will help you togenerate traffic to your site and also to generateincome into your wallet.

5 Proven Methods for Internet Marketing SuccessBy Bibi LiewThere are hundreds of ways that you can promote youronline business or website,5 Proven Methods for Internet Marketing Success Articles some more effective thanothers. These five proven methods will help you togenerate traffic to your site and also to generateincome into your wallet.

1. One thing that appeals to everyone is “free.

” Ifit is free people will take it. Think of the samplesof cheese given away at grocery stores. Do you reallywant a small piece of cheese? Of course not! But youtake it simply because it is free and someone is niceenough to offer it to you. The same principle applieswith information or services offered from yourwebsite. You can send out free newsletters or offer afree trail period. One popular thing that is beinggiven away now are free credit reports or free PCscans. These freebies are what we in the marketingfield like to call teasers. After running the freecredit report or PC scan we alert the customer ifthere is something found on their credit record or PCand then offer to show them what it is or repair theproblem for a price. This can be an effective way toget information to your potential customers, createsales or to generate traffic to your site.

2. Your website contains information about a serviceor product that you are very knowledgeable about. Youcan use this knowledge to generate traffic to yoursite by writing articles in your area of expertise andhaving them published in an ezine or an articleinformation site. The most effective way to use thesearticles is to write them for free and ask in returnthat the publisher allow you to include a byline. Abyline is a very short summary of the author, theircredentials and their website. Your byline is a waythat readers will come to know you as an expert on thetopic and will in turn come to trust your site as asource of credible information.

3. Some search engines will allow a website topurchase their ranking. This is an excellent Internetmarketing technique in that it is effective andinexpensive. In the pay-per-click programs, websiteare only billed for those who actually visit the page,unlike banner ads which may be seen by millions butonly used by a few. When using the pay-per-clickprogram you are asked to choose keywords and whenthose are entered your site will appear and if thesurfer chooses to view your site, you are billed forthat click. Many pay-per-click programs will offerother benefits as well, such as updated lists ofcommonly used keywords.

4. You should remember that others are in the sameboat as you. You can choose to network with those whohave similar marketing ideas. When networking youwill be able to share links and refer customers toeach other. You should always be very cautious whenchoosing a networking partner as everything that yourecommend is a reflection of yourself or your productand therefore, you should be certain that yournetworking partner is a reputable source ofinformation.

5. Simply because your website is online, doesn’tmean that all your advertising should be. Advertisein newspapers, TV, the radio or you can even send outa press release to get your information to thousandsof people all over the country.