7 Tips for Internet Business Success

May 23


Patrica R. Moynihan

Patrica R. Moynihan

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Build it and they will come does not apply to the Internet, unfortunately. You need to build your site to certain parameters; then you need to introduce it to a wide audience; then you have to persuade that wide audience to subscribe to your plan or buy your product. It sounds difficult but it will be easy if you follow these simple steps!

You've put your business on the web and now you're ready for the millionsof orders you know will flood in! Well,7 Tips for Internet Business Success Articles I hate to burst your bubble but itdoesn't quite work like that. Like any business, your online businessrequires your time, energy and persistence. The good news is that theskills you need are easy to learn and a pleasure to implement. Here are 7tips that work for all skill levels:1.  Check your site. You MUST list every possible contact method. Yourvisitors MUST be able to reach you. I find that listing all my phonenumbers, fax numbers, e mail addresses and a page entitled About Us isessential. In your About Us page, put up your head shot. This personalizesyour web site.2.  Promotion, promotion, promotion. You must spend at least two hoursevery day promoting your business. The best time to do this is first thingevery morning. If you have the funds to advertise, then use PPC's (Pay PerClicks). I'm not going to advertise their names. Just put PPC in yourlocator bar and decide which ones suit you best. If you have noadvertising funds, then use the free ad sites and the Free For All sites.Same routine: put FFA in your locator bar and jump through the necessaryhoops.3.  Now, when you've done all the preliminary advertising work, you needto reach your niche market. This is more complicated. If you sell say,parchment book marks, put "parchment book marks" in your locator bar.Visit every site that comes up and contact the users of that site by allpermitted means. These are as diverse as message boards, blogs andarticles explaining your product.4.  Deal with e mail ONLY in the evening. "But why?" you ask. "I lovereading and answering my e mails." Right! That's the problem. E mail istime consuming. You must devote early morning time and energy to yourpromotion. You can read and answer e mail after business hours when yourenergy level is low you can take as long as you want, without impinging onyour other business duties.5.  Get new business cards. You need to print not just your name andbusiness address but your web address, your email address and your logo orslogan, if you have one.6.  Link with other sites complementary to your business. This is easy.Just bring up the site and write a note to their contact person suggestinga mutual link. You'll find that they will be delighted. Link popularity isvery important for search engine optimization.7.  SEO or Search Engine Optimization. Many pundits consider this to bethe most important strategy for boosting your internet business. Make sureyour key words are absolutely relevant to your site and your product.Manually submit your site to as many search engines and directories aspossible. Do NOT buy an automatic submission package. The search enginespiders ignore all automatic submissions. This manual submission procedurecan, all by itself, take the whole two hours you allocate each morning butit's essential to the health of your site

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