Business Names: The Importance of Your Brand

Apr 18




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Did you know that your business name is most likely the first piece of information that your potential customers get of your business, so it needs to be good.


When you are amongst what seems like an endless sea of competitors on the internet you will need to understand the importance of standing out from the crowd. There are many different ways that you can do this, but the main (and most easy) way is to choose a catchy name for your business.

Your business name is probably one of the first things that your potential customers learn about you. Whether they see it in the URL of your site when your website loads in their browser,Business Names: The Importance of Your Brand Articles they see it in the header of your site, or on a business card or even in a link to your site, it is most likely the first impression they will get of your brand or business. First impressions are renowned to be very important, so this is where you need to make a good one and get them interested in your business and what you do.

To do this, you will need to choose a catchy name, and if you can give them an idea of what your business is about just from the name, then even better. Something short and trendy is a good idea for a name. It is an advantage if you can choose something easy to remember for when you are choosing a domain name. I say when you choose a domain name, because an online presence is essential for today's businesses. If you get the word out about your brand, people will become interested in what you do, and being able to type your URL into a browser may also get you that extra traffic. If you have a business card with your website address on it then being easy to remember and type would be an advantage.

Think about your target market. Who are your customers? What kind of name would they respond well to? Here is a brief overview of what your business name should be:

> Easy to remember

> Catchy

> Appealing to your target market

> Suits your brand

> Give people an idea of what your business is about

Continue the theme of your brand throughout all of your marketing, not just your name, but with your website design, printed promotional materials and any other mediums through which your potential customers hear or see about you. Remember, every decision you make should be with your customers in mind.