Clarity Attracts Cash And Clients!

Jul 21


Pat Mussieux

Pat Mussieux

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“What is it you do?” - this was a question I asked repeatedly of the entrepreneurs at our Increase Sales and Profits workshop this week.

“What is it you do?” This was a question I asked repeatedly of the entrepreneurs at our Increase Sales and Profits workshop this week.

“And why do I care?” Yes,Clarity Attracts Cash And Clients! Articles I am that blunt when it comes to understanding the introduction being made by entrepreneurs at networking events, or workshops, or even when meeting at a coffee shop.

Most often, after hearing an introduction, I have NO idea what you (the entrepreneur) are saying.  Seriously, only when you are able to state your name, business and solution/results/outcomes clearly – will you be able to attract me as an ideal client. I have money – but when I am confused, I will move on to someone else who can provide for my needs.

Clarity attracts clients and cash. So, let me help you with this. Here’s my simple approach to the Who Am I? What do I do? dilemma………

1) Picture your ideal client. Who are they and what do they need? What do you have to offer? Let’s simplify it by comparing it to a shopping experience. I am confident many of you can relate to this. Your ideal client is standing at the door of a major book store. That book store contains a ton of resources…….and you are one of those resources.

2) Once your prospect walks through the door of the bookstore, you want them to find YOU.  A bookstore is typically divided into resource sections – Cooking, Travel, Health, Business, etc. I, for example, would be found in the Business section. So, I trust that my ideal client would move on over to that section to find me. But now……..there are a gazillion business books in that section. So, how does my ideal client find ME?

3) What makes me/you unique? That’s the next step. Among all those business books, how will my ideal client find me/you? Well, when it comes to the topic of business, what is my point of view. For me, it clearly is all about the practice of ‘stop compromising and make all the money you want’. So, you would find me in the Money section on the Business books – not Leadership, not Marketing, etc. What about you? Where would an ideal client find your book/resource?

4) Next steps to attract the ideal client include helping them to narrow down the selection of resources.  There’s still a ton of resources from which to choose when it comes to Money in the Business section of a bookstore. So why would anyone be attracted to me and my topic? The ‘draw’ would be my unique point of view on the topic of Money – and that would be my personal story. THAT is what makes me stand out in the crowd of resources. THAT is what attracts my ideal client. THAT is why people want to work with me. My unique point of view is clear – entrepreneurs compromise when it comes to ‘settling’ for working with less than ideal clients – and that ‘costs’ them.

- Entrepreneurs compromise when it comes to setting fees for products and services – and that ‘costs’ them.

- Entrepreneurs compromise when it comes to grabbing opportunities to promote themselves and their products and services – and that results in missed opportunities.

- Entrepreneurs ‘settle – and make less than what they deserve and get paid less than what they deserve!

5) Clarity attracts ideal clients and cash. When you consider who you are and what you do in terms of being found in a bookstore, it simplifies the process and your messaging.

It’s a simple process and one that you can practice starting today!Get to work on this and see how much easier the whole client attraction process becomes for you. It’s simple – it’s fun – it’s easy – and it works. Become a client magnet – because of your clarity and confidence!